Actually Andy, it does cost. In order for the tabs to work on my FB Page, I was informed today that I needed a VIP membership for the tab to be activated... There is no way to try this out to see if it's actually worth purchasing the VIP Membership.
On a side note, I'm very hesitant to post my SmugMug based photos for sale on FB due to their (Facebook's) Terms of Use clause regarding images. To paraphrase, any photos that you make available on FB (regardless of if it's a personal page or business page) can be used by Facebook or their partners for whatever use without compensation or credit. While I think that being able to show the galleries on a tab/page is the bees knees, I do believe that the images shown there would legally be fair game for Facebook. I'm pretty sure that's an accurate interpretation of the legal-eze, which really could be damaging for the unsuspecting small shop photographer. :pissed
If I'm interpreting this incorrectly, I would definitely like to hear the reasoning! Have you had a talk with the legal department on this issue, Andy? I am interested on hearing your take! Thanks!
Keep up the great work that you do for everyone! I really enjoy the flexibility and the constant strive for innovation and great service!
You're right. It costs. Not much... I think it was maybe $10 for the yr. I thought I didn't even have SmugMug Tab (or Tabfusion... it's a little confusing what the actual title is), but found that I do! I'd forgotten it, because as Art or someone mentioned, the tabs now go to a little space on the left side of your Fan Page (small icons-- not very noticeable). I'd honestly forgotten I'd set it up. And oddly, on my Fan Page, the SmugMug Tab's little icon says "Portfolio"... not the greatest title for it imho. You can see it here. It's a little blue icon, kinda nondescript: I used to have Smugfoto as well, and its icon is still there, but if you click on it nothing appears, so I don't know what happened to that. Anyway, the whole "Tab" thing leaves a lot to be desired on FB, but its limitations are, I'm sure, mostly due to FB controls, not the fault of the tabs.
I don't know though if there's much danger of images actually being "owned" by FB... can't really understand the nitty-gritty of what I've read about that. On my SmugTab, there's the option of being taken to your SmugMug site SmugMug (albeit in a very tiny font). If I try to right-click on the photos after being taken to a gallery right there within the app., it at least doesn't allow me to right-click & save. One big question for me was; I didn't know what permissions to allow SmugMug Tab. Right at the beginning, there's an "Allow" and "Don't Allow" dialogue & little explanation of what it really means.
You're right. It costs. Not much... I think it was maybe $10 for the yr. I thought I didn't even have SmugMug Tab (or Tabfusion... it's a little confusing what the actual title is), but found that I do! I'd forgotten it, because as Art or someone mentioned, the tabs now go to a little space on the left side of your Fan Page (small icons-- not very noticeable). I'd honestly forgotten I'd set it up. And oddly, on my Fan Page, the SmugMug Tab's little icon says "Portfolio"... not the greatest title for it imho. You can see it here. It's a little blue icon, kinda nondescript: I used to have Smugfoto as well, and its icon is still there, but if you click on it nothing appears, so I don't know what happened to that. Anyway, the whole "Tab" thing leaves a lot to be desired on FB, but its limitations are, I'm sure, mostly due to FB controls, not the fault of the tabs.
I know that $10 doesn't seem like much to the average person, but especially in this economy, this "starving artist" is having to pinch pennies like it was the 1930's, and collectively, all the little "membership fees" do add up. :cry I have to try something out to see if it's going to help my revenue stream before I'm willing to allocate any of my limited budget. I could be overreacting, but I also need to ensure I'll hit a decent ROI.
I did check out your FB page Anna Lisa and think it has a nice clean look! That might convince me to look into this a bit more. But I'll need to feel more comfortable with the FB legal issues first. Thanks for your input and providing a means to check out the SmugMug tab/link!
Sorry, I spoke with out thinking on this - thought it was a free trial. Thanks for clarifying!
I wish it was a free trial Andy. Hope I didn't come across like a stick in the mud as that wasn't the intent. I really appreciate the concept and the effort that you and the SmugMug crew put forth! Thanks for all that you do!
I know that $10 doesn't seem like much to the average person, but especially in this economy, this "starving artist" is having to pinch pennies like it was the 1930's, and collectively, all the little "membership fees" do add up. :cry I have to try something out to see if it's going to help my revenue stream before I'm willing to allocate any of my limited budget. I could be overreacting, but I also need to ensure I'll hit a decent ROI.
I did check out your FB page Anna Lisa and think it has a nice clean look! That might convince me to look into this a bit more. But I'll need to feel more comfortable with the FB legal issues first. Thanks for your input and providing a means to check out the SmugMug tab/link!
I agree with you about costs; was just trying to let people down gently! I know that those who work hard on some of these special apps or whatever should be paid & aren't, though (often because they simply don't ask for anything back) so... not knowing what work went into something like this, I don't have an opinion either way about whether it should cost something. It's not really a big necessity even on a fan page, but it sure does make a convenient way for one's galleries to always be there handy. People are just as likely to go to your galleries from FB if you regularly post new Smug galleries on your own, because then it'll show up in their Newsfeed, but that does mean being diligent about doing so. I'm not diligent about it, so SmugMug Tab is a good way to have my page there always. I don't think I knew how to link the sales portion of it to Smug at the time though, so it's linked to FAA. I'd like to find out how to link it to Smug & switch that.
Anyway, I mainly wanted to be sure you didn't think my whole Fan Page was the SmugMug Tab thing. The only thing on my Fan Page that's coming from that app is the little blue icon saying "Portfolio". If you click on it, my galleries come up. But everything else on my Fan page is simply the way FB basically sets it up for you, & then you just add your content. And for anyone reading this & planning to set up a Fan Page, please don't make the mistake I did & give your page the identical name as your personal FB page. Both of mine are called "Anna Lisa Yoder" and it's such a big pain that I've been tempted to quit the Fan Page & start over. I cannot change it. (Fan Page names can't be changed) I should have put "Anna Lisa Yoder - Artist" directly in the first line title, and didn't. Yes, it says "Artist" as the byline, but that doesn't help. Just trust me-- give your pages different titles. I can't go into all the problems I've had from this identical name thing; it would bore you to tears. But it just makes it impossible to figure out what is going where on FB..... just a word to the wise.
Anyway, thank you to Smug & SmugTab for doing the iPad drawing! That's awesome. Forgot to state that earlier.
Anna, does tabfusion's smugtab allow you to choose which categories &/or galleries are shown? I don't want all of my public galleries on my fb page, just the ones I use for my portfolio. Can't seem to find any details on that, though I do see they now have a 'shop' where you can choose which galleries to display.
SmugMug Tab
Since the photos aren't actually upload to Facebook (they are only displayed in the Fan page and served directly from SmugMug's servers), I don't think Facebook can claim any ownership to them. This is actually one of the best things about this app, to keep them off of Facebook's servers.
Actually Andy, it does cost. In order for the tabs to work on my FB Page, I was informed today that I needed a VIP membership for the tab to be activated... There is no way to try this out to see if it's actually worth purchasing the VIP Membership.
On a side note, I'm very hesitant to post my SmugMug based photos for sale on FB due to their (Facebook's) Terms of Use clause regarding images. To paraphrase, any photos that you make available on FB (regardless of if it's a personal page or business page) can be used by Facebook or their partners for whatever use without compensation or credit. While I think that being able to show the galleries on a tab/page is the bees knees, I do believe that the images shown there would legally be fair game for Facebook. I'm pretty sure that's an accurate interpretation of the legal-eze, which really could be damaging for the unsuspecting small shop photographer. :pissed
If I'm interpreting this incorrectly, I would definitely like to hear the reasoning! Have you had a talk with the legal department on this issue, Andy? I am interested on hearing your take! Thanks!
Keep up the great work that you do for everyone! I really enjoy the flexibility and the constant strive for innovation and great service!
I just tried this and it shows I have a VIP until the end of the year. I have not set up the flash site that it offers.
Categories with all password protected galleries are showing up under portfolio. When you click on these, the system just locks up.
Most gallery and photo thumbnails load quickly if not password protected.
The order of the galleries is not the same as what I have on smugmug.
I would like to select which galleries or categories are shown. Currently, the only selection is under Store.
When you click on back from a gallery, it goes all the way back to the top of the smugmug tab, which for me, is back to my categories.
Sometimes the thumbnails do not all load, and refreshing the page takes you back to the top categories.
The link "view on SmugMug" did nto work. It only proceeded to the next photo. This could just be a setup issue on my part.
I clicked on a "like" for a photo and have not seen the status update on my wall yet. (its been 5 minutes, maybe I am too impatient)
I think this is a good start to a cool feature. I will post my issues with Tabfusion in the morning, and hopefully these things can be worked out.
I personally think the thumbnails load faster than in the native smugmug, but then again that just may be the wine....
I would like to select which galleries or categories are shown. Currently, the only selection is under Store.
When you click on back from a gallery, it goes all the way back to the top of the smugmug tab, which for me, is back to my categories.
I got a very quick response to my email when I asked about the tab defaulting to the portfolio instead of the galleries I chose to display in the "Store". According to Hoss, they are planning to offer just displaying the store only and nothing else. It was hoped to be rolled out by this weekend. Lo and behold I just checked and the feature is there.....
Does this have something to do with the way I have the security/sharing setting set up on my smugmug page?
Did you pay the fee for a VIP account? I like the way this sounds, but I'm trying to decide if it's something I want to pay for...I's not a lot of money..
Canon 7D ~ Canon XSi ~ Canon EF-S 18-55 IS ~ Canon EF 28-70 f2.8 L ~ Tokina 50-135 f2.8 ~ Sigma 50mm f1.4 HSM ~ Canon EF 50mm f1.8 ~ Canon EF 600mm f4 L IS
Did you pay the fee for a VIP account? I like the way this sounds, but I'm trying to decide if it's something I want to pay for...I's not a lot of money..
Yes I did pay for the VIP account, I just needed to "enable external links" like Andy stated.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Actually Andy, it does cost. In order for the tabs to work on my FB Page, I was informed today that I needed a VIP membership for the tab to be activated... There is no way to try this out to see if it's actually worth purchasing the VIP Membership.
On a side note, I'm very hesitant to post my SmugMug based photos for sale on FB due to their (Facebook's) Terms of Use clause regarding images. To paraphrase, any photos that you make available on FB (regardless of if it's a personal page or business page) can be used by Facebook or their partners for whatever use without compensation or credit. While I think that being able to show the galleries on a tab/page is the bees knees, I do believe that the images shown there would legally be fair game for Facebook. I'm pretty sure that's an accurate interpretation of the legal-eze, which really could be damaging for the unsuspecting small shop photographer. :pissed
If I'm interpreting this incorrectly, I would definitely like to hear the reasoning! Have you had a talk with the legal department on this issue, Andy? I am interested on hearing your take! Thanks!
Keep up the great work that you do for everyone! I really enjoy the flexibility and the constant strive for innovation and great service!
Best regards,
I don't know though if there's much danger of images actually being "owned" by FB... can't really understand the nitty-gritty of what I've read about that. On my SmugTab, there's the option of being taken to your SmugMug site SmugMug (albeit in a very tiny font). If I try to right-click on the photos after being taken to a gallery right there within the app., it at least doesn't allow me to right-click & save. One big question for me was; I didn't know what permissions to allow SmugMug Tab. Right at the beginning, there's an "Allow" and "Don't Allow" dialogue & little explanation of what it really means.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I know that $10 doesn't seem like much to the average person, but especially in this economy, this "starving artist" is having to pinch pennies like it was the 1930's, and collectively, all the little "membership fees" do add up. :cry I have to try something out to see if it's going to help my revenue stream before I'm willing to allocate any of my limited budget. I could be overreacting, but I also need to ensure I'll hit a decent ROI.
I did check out your FB page Anna Lisa and think it has a nice clean look! That might convince me to look into this a bit more. But I'll need to feel more comfortable with the FB legal issues first. Thanks for your input and providing a means to check out the SmugMug tab/link!
I wish it was a free trial Andy. Hope I didn't come across like a stick in the mud as that wasn't the intent. I really appreciate the concept and the effort that you and the SmugMug crew put forth! Thanks for all that you do!
Anyway, I mainly wanted to be sure you didn't think my whole Fan Page was the SmugMug Tab thing. The only thing on my Fan Page that's coming from that app is the little blue icon saying "Portfolio". If you click on it, my galleries come up. But everything else on my Fan page is simply the way FB basically sets it up for you, & then you just add your content. And for anyone reading this & planning to set up a Fan Page, please don't make the mistake I did & give your page the identical name as your personal FB page. Both of mine are called "Anna Lisa Yoder" and it's such a big pain that I've been tempted to quit the Fan Page & start over. I cannot change it. (Fan Page names can't be changed) I should have put "Anna Lisa Yoder - Artist" directly in the first line title, and didn't. Yes, it says "Artist" as the byline, but that doesn't help. Just trust me-- give your pages different titles. I can't go into all the problems I've had from this identical name thing; it would bore you to tears. But it just makes it impossible to figure out what is going where on FB..... just a word to the wise.
Anyway, thank you to Smug & SmugTab for doing the iPad drawing! That's awesome. Forgot to state that earlier.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Since the photos aren't actually upload to Facebook (they are only displayed in the Fan page and served directly from SmugMug's servers), I don't think Facebook can claim any ownership to them. This is actually one of the best things about this app, to keep them off of Facebook's servers.
Thank you.
Does this have something to do with the way I have the security/sharing setting set up on my smugmug page?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
email Hoss at Tabfusion, they give great support - tabfusion at gmail dot com
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Categories with all password protected galleries are showing up under portfolio. When you click on these, the system just locks up.
Most gallery and photo thumbnails load quickly if not password protected.
The order of the galleries is not the same as what I have on smugmug.
I would like to select which galleries or categories are shown. Currently, the only selection is under Store.
When you click on back from a gallery, it goes all the way back to the top of the smugmug tab, which for me, is back to my categories.
Sometimes the thumbnails do not all load, and refreshing the page takes you back to the top categories.
The link "view on SmugMug" did nto work. It only proceeded to the next photo. This could just be a setup issue on my part.
I clicked on a "like" for a photo and have not seen the status update on my wall yet. (its been 5 minutes, maybe I am too impatient)
I think this is a good start to a cool feature. I will post my issues with Tabfusion in the morning, and hopefully these things can be worked out.
I personally think the thumbnails load faster than in the native smugmug, but then again that just may be the wine....
Facebook Twitter Google+
I got a very quick response to my email when I asked about the tab defaulting to the portfolio instead of the galleries I chose to display in the "Store". According to Hoss, they are planning to offer just displaying the store only and nothing else. It was hoped to be rolled out by this weekend. Lo and behold I just checked and the feature is there.....
Did you pay the fee for a VIP account? I like the way this sounds, but I'm trying to decide if it's something I want to pay for...I's not a lot of money..
Yes I did pay for the VIP account, I just needed to "enable external links" like Andy stated.
Hey! You're right, there is a trial, I'll check that out. Thank you for getting back to me!