Bluetooth Broadcasting.
Some time back, I read somewhere about a program that would broadcast bluetooth messages around the vicinity.
I'd like to give this a go with sending messages at my events for photos being on vstations, special offers, etc.
Does anyone know any good and prefrably simple and low cost proggys to do this and if they can be done from a phone or something has to be attached to aa computer.?
I'd like to give this a go with sending messages at my events for photos being on vstations, special offers, etc.
Does anyone know any good and prefrably simple and low cost proggys to do this and if they can be done from a phone or something has to be attached to aa computer.?
this technology is a bit above my head but I'd be interested in learning more.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
That was the term I was trying to remember!
Thank You.
Searches are great if you can remember or know the name of what the heck you looking for in the first place.... Which I often don't !
I was just thinking that we get perfect placement for our trailer at a lot of events we go to right amoung the assembled crowd so a limited range broadcast would still reach a lot of people.
have to read up on it more but if this could be done from a phone or a laptop, I could just have the kids walk round to the farther away areas and broadcast where there were crowds of people.
I think it's going to be funny to watch a group of people that all suddenly reach for their phones at the same time !!!
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I guess there is always someone that will take offense to anything at all but I see this as more of an info/ service type message.
We get a lot of people asking if xxx photos are on the vstations yet and personally I don't see the people we work with getting annoyed about us telling them.
I was also thinking of doing some value added offers and again, I think a reminder and an opportunity to save some bucks would go down well.
I have a definite niche market so if anyone does get their knickers in a twist, they will have to wear it or explain to their kid they are not buying their pics because we sent them a message on their phone.
My feeling is the people I regularly work with will look at this as more of a novelty than anything as they are a pretty easy going lot and probably haven't seen it done before.
I did some checking and I guess it would not really bother me because you are asked if you want the info your ate broadcasting. I just get tired of getting spam email, text and phone calls--I am not say you are spamming it is just in general. (beside it would not affect me my bluetooth is off)
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Picadilly, NB, Canada
With the broadcasting there is an alert sent to peoples phones and it asks if they want to receive a message from XXX. from there they can accept or deny.
It's not a common thing here at all and I believe when they see me at an event and then get a message, most will be somewhat curious to see what it is. being hat it is personalised from someone they would be at least aware of, I don't think the people I work would be bothered with it. Quite the opposite actually because we still get comments on the vstation setup and onsite printing so they seem to love a bit of technology and new ways of doing things.
The point about not everyone having their phones on is valid but i guess i'd see how it worked and how many people I did reach and go from there. It could also be useful as a tool to let people know their prints are ready etc.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots & smugmug
One thing Glort will need is a more powerful transmitter than normally in a phone. Bluetooth uses a lot of power and power consumption is a factor of range, so most phones are designed to transmit few feet only and thus save power. A speciality transmitter will go up to 100 yards.
Most consumers are now savvy to the power problems and learned to switch their bluetooth off unless actually intending to use it. My latest phone was delivered with BT off as the default. Still it is easy to check how many people you can reach by asking your transmitter to look for BT devices in the area.
BT is a broadcast technology so everyone in range will get your message, even a picture, when they accept your invitation to pair devices. Best to pair with people you trust because they may be able to download your contacts once a communication link is established.
Interesting to learn how the experiment goes
Presumably you'd have info / signs / pre event fliers etc around your setup to tell people that this service is available ... and (especially) in the case of those waiting for product you'd check that they have BT enabled when they order?
I have been looking at USB adaptors which seem cheap and should have 100M range. I'll load the software and the USB onto a computer in the trailer and attach an extention cable and put it outside the trailer, maybe even in a reflector so I can focus the signal in the direction of the participants if need be.
I'm doing a ball this weekend so If I can get it up and running I'' give it a try then. 100m Will cover the whole room no problems but I can also attach the USB to a laptop and walk from one side of the benue to teh next to make sure I get everyone. :0)
OK so I get it isn't limited to phones. So I'm at an event and someone like Glort broadcasts information (something)
I'm within range on a bluetooth enabled devise (lappie, tablet, etc)
what happens? what do I receive? how does it land on my device?
I'm sooooo confused
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
It is like getting a notification of an sms except this time you get a pop-up inviting you to pair with the sender. Normally you accept the pairing by entering your pin number (default 0000). Then you can accept messages.