Got tips for getting the best out of a Nikon D7000???
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Major grinsNorwayPosts: 0 Major grins
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Don't stare at the sun while looking through the viewfinder.
Try not to eat it.
Have fun?
My first tip: practice, practice, practice
My second one, Invest in a good D7000 book and read it cover to cover.
I can recommend 2: They both made by Magic Lantern Guides
Nikon D7000 by Simon Starfford
Nikon D7000 Multimedia Workshop, this one comes with a very good DVD.
There are several other books in the market for the D7000.
Have fun with you D7000 whenever you receive it, I am having a blast with my.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
so , you can use your most used settings without going through half the menu
2. Gaffer tape the mode dial if you do not want to accidentally bump it from A to S or M.
3. If you plan on shooting jpeg at least some of the time, play around with the various camera profiles i.e. (vivid, landscape, etc) and fine tune the white balance to get custom ones that you like. It might be preference, but I prefer a slightly warmer white balance than what comes out standard on the D7000 as well as my D90.
4. If you use the AF-On option for the AE/AF button, be prepared to accidentally switch to live view on occasion, OK maybe this should say frequently.
5. Learn to use the sub and command dials as much as possible versus the menus. They are SOOOO much faster.
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