DSS #78 - Light at the end - Glowworms
Thought for this challenge try for the Glowworm, with the light at the end of its tail. Have taken a few different shots, not sure if better to crop closer to the Glowworm, or leave some background to give idea of the perspective, and that is only a tiny worm:
#2 - Cropped
#3 - Cropped
Title: Glowworm - Arachnocampa Luminosa?
As first attempt at taking nature photographs like this, all comments/criticism be much appreciated.


#2 - Cropped


#3 - Cropped

Title: Glowworm - Arachnocampa Luminosa?
As first attempt at taking nature photographs like this, all comments/criticism be much appreciated.
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Canon 7D and not enough L glass....
More glowworm and something to make it glow, instead of dew on web!
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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It is vain to do with more what can be done with less. - William of Occam (c. 1288-1348)
Jeesh, I'm really sorry, but I still wouldn't know what it is. It is fascinating, and a good idea...and I know how it hard it is working with one lens (I did it for about 6 months! grrr) but because I can't place the image, I wouldn't think twice about it...I'm really sorry if this is harsh, it's certainly not my intention.
It is vain to do with more what can be done with less. - William of Occam (c. 1288-1348)
Do these worms move a lot? If not, could you put your camera in aperture mode onto a tripod and set the timer to take a bracketed shot in the dark? Is that what you did in this last shot? Not sure what you have already tried, but it would seem that you have a unique opportunity to show us the light at the end of this glow worm - or several glow worms. But it sounds like it is rather challenging to get an effective shot!
I was in New Zealand for a short while in March and heard about the glow worms but never saw one, so I'm very happy that you shared these images with us. Thanks!
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The glowworms are quite common - found in damp caves, along stream banks and on damp bush clad banks. Just as they quite small (about the size of a pin head) need to be dark adapted to see them - walking along with a torch would easily miss them. Your research is right, the glowworms emit a blue-green light, to attract their prey. The larva live in a tunnel web, and spin silk threads with mucous drops on to entrap their prey, being the beaded threads seen in the closeup picture.
Has been fascinating project though, as while can see the light and the threads, naked eye cannot see the worm. So the close-ups finding very fascinating - just getting blinded by the nature aspect rather than the photography aspect.
This is the sort of challenge where the internet really shines: http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=photographing+glow+worms&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
A quick google search showed several discussions on methods to pull of the shot....
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... worth a try, at least.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
Way to go, Leah!
Torrbrae, it sounds like you are on the right track. Hope you can pull it off to your satisfaction! A beanbag might be helpful or a gorilla pod. Have you seen one of those? The legs can bend and help hold a camera in an awkward position. For our last trip to Kenya, I got an inexpensive beanbag with a magnetic spot that helped attach a camera (having another piece that screwed onto the camera). I found that very helpful. (Just checked the make, and it was a TrekTech Magbag.) Good luck with it!
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ISO at 3200, so is a bit of noise in the photo - at f11 with 2.5s shutter speed. Didn't have chance to try different settings, as was raining (again!) and bank standing on was turning into a muddy stream.
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