#78 - One idea, three interpretations

Yesterday, I had a chance to visit the Bernardo Winery in San Diego. Since the grounds are generally more interesting than the wines, I spent more time shooting than tasting. Here are my attempts at #78 from yesterday's visit.
These are all my first attempts are HDR. (I used HDR Pro within Photoshop CS5). I'd appreciate your response on a technical or aesthetic level. Ideas for titles also appreciated!



Thinking of adding sepia to this one...
These are all my first attempts are HDR. (I used HDR Pro within Photoshop CS5). I'd appreciate your response on a technical or aesthetic level. Ideas for titles also appreciated!



Thinking of adding sepia to this one...
Very nice shots, but I'm not sure how strong on the theme they are...
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I like #1. I like how you can see the engine, as well as the bright light, but that you don't know it's HDR unless someone tells you.
I've only messed with HDR a very little, but I definitely like it best when your dynamic range increases without losing the realistic tone map.
Anyway, I was thinking the broken headlight and the abandoned farm equipment might evoke something like "the light at the end of an era."
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I like weathered stuff too and I shoot it whenever I get a chance - they are so attractive!
I know, what you thought about - the end of the life of that machinery - only that I was thinking a little differently,
to actual light (versus dark) - maybe that is not the only way to think though
- I was just wondering if your idea will be "strong" enough in the contest... now that you explained it here, maybe it will.
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I like the close up in #1. It needs something, but I am just not sure what.
I think the 2nd would work better if it were cropped a bit. The stuff on the right clutters it up without adding to it. You might also try stepping to the right a bit and getting the right side of the tractor in addition to the right side of the front. The mottled BG is also a bit distracting. Maybe burn it a bit?
I find the tire in the BG of the 3rd a bit distracting. I also find the style of this tractor to be less appealing than the 2nd. It looks like it is early 60s vintage, whereas the other looks 40s. Personal preference.
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Canon 7D and not enough L glass....
I also like #2 but agree that it might work better with a bit cropped off the right, partly to focus our attention more on the light and partly because the right side is a bit distracting.
Now I remember looking at these before and thinking that it would be great if there was a gleam off the light. There is some in the first shot, I see. Maybe you could boost that? I was just looking at lighting effects in photoshop elements last night and see that there are some tools there which might be helpful to you. Scott Kelby seems to like the flashlight preset with a soft, narrow beam. Wonder if that would help or not?
Good luck with this!
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'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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Then you're gonna really like this set I just left in the Other Cool Shots forum.
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#3 is yummy!
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
Whoa... you rust lovers are quick to find your fix
Thanks for the compliment...I like #3, too. Wish it had a bit more DOF, though.
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