Please, your thoughts, wishes, prayers, whatever you do..........

This is the latest news on the condition of my 44 yr old son, Scott. My younger daughter Sara sent it this evening early. I am too drained right now to add much, I think it is pretty self explanatory. I have been very worried, I still am. He is/was a smoker and so is my oldest daughter, Julie. I blasted her tonight on her smoking, told her she would be dead in 10 yrs max, if she didn't quit. Her genes do not allow her to smoke. She has emphasema and asthma. I expected something bad to happen to her, I did not expect this about my son.
I am just sharing what has been going on with me this week. It has been a full week, not a very good one. As I do, I bought a book Joan Didion's The Year Of Magical Thinking. As I tell people, she had a very bad year, and I want to see how the hell she handled it. She is a writer I have always "enjoyed". Her year was horrendous, first her husband died, then after the book was written her daughter died. The book is RAW, but extremely well written.
I need to spend time on the internet, take photographs, talk to my children, just think and take stock a bit, but I might be kind of strange sometimes, more than usual, I mean. A lot is going on.
For those new to this...Scott went to his doctor on Monday have his elbow looked at and he mentioned past chest pains. Doc' did EKG, did not like what he saw and admitted Scott to the hospital for further testing. After a stress test they saw a shadow and scheduled an angiogram and possible angioplasty.
This is the news I received from Sheryl today (Thursday) 4 pm:
Scott had his angiogram and angioplasty this morning.
The doctor found "very significant" blockages.
He now has stents that have corrected the problem.
Today was an emotional day for Scott.
He was told he MUST no longer smoke or it will kill him AND he is to be put on a serious diet.
He was also told that if he had not come in when he did it was certain he would have had a massive heart attack in the near future.
He will be released tomorrow.
He will take the next week off of work.
He is in a new room.
If ANYONE talks to dad, Lary...please update him as we have been unable to contact him on his trip.
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I am just sharing what has been going on with me this week. It has been a full week, not a very good one. As I do, I bought a book Joan Didion's The Year Of Magical Thinking. As I tell people, she had a very bad year, and I want to see how the hell she handled it. She is a writer I have always "enjoyed". Her year was horrendous, first her husband died, then after the book was written her daughter died. The book is RAW, but extremely well written.
I need to spend time on the internet, take photographs, talk to my children, just think and take stock a bit, but I might be kind of strange sometimes, more than usual, I mean. A lot is going on.
For those new to this...Scott went to his doctor on Monday have his elbow looked at and he mentioned past chest pains. Doc' did EKG, did not like what he saw and admitted Scott to the hospital for further testing. After a stress test they saw a shadow and scheduled an angiogram and possible angioplasty.
This is the news I received from Sheryl today (Thursday) 4 pm:
Scott had his angiogram and angioplasty this morning.
The doctor found "very significant" blockages.
He now has stents that have corrected the problem.
Today was an emotional day for Scott.
He was told he MUST no longer smoke or it will kill him AND he is to be put on a serious diet.
He was also told that if he had not come in when he did it was certain he would have had a massive heart attack in the near future.
He will be released tomorrow.
He will take the next week off of work.
He is in a new room.
If ANYONE talks to dad, Lary...please update him as we have been unable to contact him on his trip.
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After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
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My thoughts are with you. Hopefully your son will take this as a wake up call to change his lifestyle. Luckily his doctor did the right thing and didn't just brush off his comment about chest pains.
Encourage positive thinking. Don't let him get down on himself. He can quit smoking and lose weight. Does he have access to a cardiac rehabilitation program? The supervised exercise and education in these programs can be true life savers.
Best of luck.
~Mother Teresa
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Keeping you guys at the top of my thoughts...
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Cincinnati Smug Leader
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Sorry for such drama and trauma in your life.
The one thing is, IF his doctor is a good one he will have prescribed medicine which requires that your son's blood will have to be checked. This will keep an eye on future problems and hopefully catch them quickly.
Also, they will be calling him back in for checkups, and stress tests in the near future to see if the medication is working.
It is not easy, once someone is set in a lifestyle to change it. Try to give your son encouragement.
Hang in there Ginger!
Thanks everyone. Like Andy, I read all, but can't respond to everything. So much going on right now.
But that is something I had not thought about, Dee. Yes, I hope they don't just leave it to lifestyle changes, there is nothing like needing a med to get you back to the dr. Probably would work if it were a placibo. I know.
And I had cancer like 10 yrs ago, breast and lymphoma, both. So I have an oncologist, no meds from him. But I do go in every 3 months for "check ups". I have to see him which can take a whole afternoon of sitting in the waiting rm, but I get blood tests that IMO are sooooo valuable. My insurance would never pay for the kind of testing I get, except for the history. Many people do not choose to continue with the aftercare, though. It is a pain in the neck and a wasted day. I hope he continues with it, it is a wonderful way to be checked, with Insurance paying.
ginger (really, thanks everyone! your thoughts and caring are...........well, they help me, and I hope they help Scott.)
You and your family are going through a very trying time, to say the least. I can understand your need to share it with this forum. I also went through a very difficult time last year and shared my photos and my thoughts with my photography forum , here in Israel. It was the right thing to do, for me. It was very therapeutical and healing--and the outpour of support from my fellow photographer friends was awesome.
Knowing how difficult this must be for you, try to be strong--try to keep a level head--and a hopeful heart.
If you need to vent email me or pm me.. I'll listen and be a shoulder. I'm so sorry things are so bad right now. Please let me know how things go and how I can help.