"Hey. You Got Any Used Fast Glass?"

Says I to the girl behind the counter (small camera shop). :wink
Huh? :scratch (she says, confused look on her face)
I explain myself.
She did. :thumb
28mm, 2.8
50mm, 1.4
100mm, 2.8
And I got some nice prices on them, they're old old old, totally manual with no data provided to camera, let alone auto focus and all..... :rofl
Focus/shmocus! They're so clear! The color's *rock* :thumb
Straight out of camera, shot a while before I got run out of a Best Buy. :lol3
Iso 250, maybe 320? Shutter 1/40th, generally the same for the rest.

So, tomorrow when I can make some time I'm taking them out for a little test run.
Anything to watch for in old glass? Thought about mildew, maybe condensation trapped in there or something? They seem to look good so far, but some small aperature shooting is required for the real deal. :wxwax
Huh? :scratch (she says, confused look on her face)
I explain myself.

She did. :thumb
28mm, 2.8
50mm, 1.4
100mm, 2.8
And I got some nice prices on them, they're old old old, totally manual with no data provided to camera, let alone auto focus and all..... :rofl
Focus/shmocus! They're so clear! The color's *rock* :thumb
Straight out of camera, shot a while before I got run out of a Best Buy. :lol3
Iso 250, maybe 320? Shutter 1/40th, generally the same for the rest.

So, tomorrow when I can make some time I'm taking them out for a little test run.
Anything to watch for in old glass? Thought about mildew, maybe condensation trapped in there or something? They seem to look good so far, but some small aperature shooting is required for the real deal. :wxwax
"There is a place for me somewhere, where I can write and speak much as I think, and make it pay for my living and some besides. Just where this place is I have small idea now, but I am going to find it" Carl Sandburg
The 135/2.8...
Shots with the 135/2.8...
The 50/1.4...
Luvin' MF primes more and more...
One last thing... make sure you ALWAYS store your lenses mount UP. This will keep the grease from the focusing mech from getting onto the aperture blades.
Any other questions?
That 135 looks sweet! And that 50mm i found looks to be indentical to yours. I am simply amazed at this glass, man.
If you ever find a 135/2.8, I'd suggest you snag it. Here's one to keep your eye on over the next couple days. Another with issues... But, keep your eyes pealed! There's some really nice glass out there. Oh, and KEH has a few.
i have bought a 200/4 pentax smc takumar,m42 screw mount from ritz collectible and have a 300/4 smc takumar on the way from keh-ok so no auto focus-but you can still shoot in aperture priority and i havent found focus to be too much of an issue-the images are sharp and good colour rendition and less than 10% of cost of comparable auto focus lenses,and solid all metal construction plus super hard rare earth coatings that are too costly to produce these days..
Longitude: 145° 08'East
Canon 20d,EFS-60mm Macro,Canon 85mm/1.8. Pentax Spotmatic SP,Pentax Super Takumars 50/1.4 &135/3.5,Pentax Super-Multi-Coated Takumars 200/4 ,300/4,400/5.6,Sigma 600/8.