I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
You dirty old man....are you not a little too old to be playing with dolls?? ..Is that doll.....Ben's or yours ? I was wondering how you two got the birds to come so close and pose. Haaaaa. You should never reveal your secrets.
That's an interesting shot, Jeff. A far cry from the usual birds pics. I can see the "dirty" in the shot. :uhoh
Maybe it's just fowl?? I remember a couple winters past.....when my nieces came to visit. They had left the patio door open. A great blue heron came walking in. It looked around the miess the kids had left in the living room . The bird picked up my nieces Barbie doll by the hair. Just then...the kids came running into the house from the front door. Bird got scared and took back out the patio door with Barbie in tow. The kids gave chase for a good 2 blocks...as the GBH flew off dragging Barbie by the hair. **glad there were 8 witnesses to this fowl story**
Maybe just some silly bird with a doll fetish making some weird nest? :uhoh
I have not come up with a clean title for my dirty pic as yet
names? sure; "Dolly in Chain" 0r "Twisted Barbie". But I think there is something bigger here. You could start a whole new section dedicated to the darker side...
:photo:whip :poke :photo:banned :photo:feelgood :pimp :photo
I want to thank all of you for your feed back and say I am sorry to have not
participated more but work and the birds did not give me the time to give feed back and to respond ,again I am sorry and thank you all for the feedback .I should not have posted the picture if I did not have the time :cry
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
That's an interesting shot, Jeff. A far cry from the usual birds pics. I can see the "dirty" in the shot. :uhoh
"Osprey Whisperer"
It looks like it's some woodoo stuff going on...
Maybe just some silly bird with a doll fetish making some weird nest? :uhoh
"Osprey Whisperer"
names? sure; "Dolly in Chain" 0r "Twisted Barbie". But I think there is something bigger here. You could start a whole new section dedicated to the darker side...
:photo:whip :poke :photo:banned :photo:feelgood :pimp :photo
The possibilities are endless..........:D
participated more but work and the birds did not give me the time to give feed back and to respond ,again I am sorry and thank you all for the feedback .I should not have posted the picture if I did not have the time :cry
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And what's with that hip action...ouch
But i like it
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