Beautifull Welsh Damsels PT1

GOLDENORFEGOLDENORFE Super Moderators Posts: 4,747 moderator
edited June 12, 2011 in Holy Macro
after my last 4 trips being dragonless, [ not happy ] i decided to go to a different country WALES! :grin:
in search of keeled skimmers at a lake up in the mountains above betesy- coed.

wind was a problem yet again! but i struggled on to get these shots! lol
here are the first of many shots, male and female scarce blue tail, one of uk s rarest damsels
really like the 5d2, 100mm L combination now, almost given up on flash for now!

male iso 250, f5 ,1/160 th


female in all her aurantiaca glory :D iso 400 , f5 , 1/500th it was windy!



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