Each time I come home I get fascinated by this scarlet branch, hence my endless attempts to capture it:
Am I getting any closer?
Thanks for watching!
Closer Nik. I would try in less harsh lighting. Maybe early morn or late afternoon with some flash.
Harry http://behret.smugmug.com/NANPA member How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Each time I come home I get fascinated by this scarlet branch, hence my endless attempts to capture it:
Am I getting any closer?
Thanks for watching!
The background makes the image hard to look at. Everything seems overly bright, having said that I do like the bright reds. Perhaps on a darker background. If you could change your point of view and shoot towards the shadows of the tree and use a shallow depth of field.
Thanks, y'all!
I definitely appreciate the feedabck!
And I agree that sky is overblown..
I was looking at that branch pretty much all day today since morning.. The darn thing only gets the proper "see-through" lighting when the sun is very low (otherwise it's shaded by the other branches), and the only direction to shoot it is towards the sun, where the sky would be pretty much washed out due to a simple physics law..:-(
Oh well, PS to the rescue.. same shot, but I (over?) enhanced the skies. It's kinda rough on the edges, but I hope it's another step in the proper direction:
Let me know what you think!
I'll try to reshoot in raw later, maybe get exposure on the skies right and then pull out the rest.. It still gonna be a challenge to select the sky and don't affect the leaves' edges..
Thank you very much again for looking and commenting!
And here's one from today's RAW:
Developed twice (for sky and for everything else), copied into 2d layer, color range selection on blues, mask by selection..
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Maybe something you could toy with in CS2?
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Maybe try from straight below the branch looking straight up.
More leaves, less sky.
Something more like this.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
The background makes the image hard to look at. Everything seems overly bright, having said that I do like the bright reds. Perhaps on a darker background. If you could change your point of view and shoot towards the shadows of the tree and use a shallow depth of field.
I definitely appreciate the feedabck!
And I agree that sky is overblown..
I was looking at that branch pretty much all day today since morning.. The darn thing only gets the proper "see-through" lighting when the sun is very low (otherwise it's shaded by the other branches), and the only direction to shoot it is towards the sun, where the sky would be pretty much washed out due to a simple physics law..:-(
Oh well, PS to the rescue.. same shot, but I (over?) enhanced the skies. It's kinda rough on the edges, but I hope it's another step in the proper direction:
Let me know what you think!
I'll try to reshoot in raw later, maybe get exposure on the skies right and then pull out the rest.. It still gonna be a challenge to select the sky and don't affect the leaves' edges..
Thank you very much again for looking and commenting!
Developed twice (for sky and for everything else), copied into 2d layer, color range selection on blues, mask by selection..
What do you think?