Problems uploading videos
I have been trying for 3 hours to upload some videos. First the html5 uploader only uploaded 1 of 11 and then said uploading with no progress for about 50 minutes. So I decide to try a different uploader, even though I have never had an issue with that one. Now using the Java uploader, uploaded most of the others, but in the last few minutes I keep getting the message "An uploading error occured, we're sorry but you don't appear to be logged in to that account. Please login and try again". I click finish, check that I am still logged in, start the upload again, it goes a while and then the error again.
Smugmug are you having issues that is causing this?
Smugmug are you having issues that is causing this?
"A photo is like a hamburger. You can get one from McDonalds for $1, one from Chili's for $5, or one from Ruth's Chris for $15. You usually get what you pay for, but don't expect a Ruth's Chris burger at a McDonalds price, if you want that, go cook it yourself." - me
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Thanks, Christian
Something about browser version and logging in a certain way.