Can you set the thumb for a category?
Is there anyway to set the thumb that displays for a category on your home page?
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feature photo and then feature gallery?
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Yes, but in my experience it doesn't work when you're logged in. Log out, and all is fine.
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It doesn't seem to work. I tried it logged in and logged out.
Just to be clear here, my case is like this. I hvae a category on my home page that has many galleries in it (including some sub-categories too). I want to control which thumb displays on the home page for that category.
Per your suggestion, I went to one of the galleries in that category and set a feature photo. I then featured that gallery. Back on my home page, that photo does not show. It always shows photos from my most recent gallery in that category. It won't show the featured photo from the gallery I picked.
If I feature a photo from the latest gallery, that one will show as the category thumb, but that is not the photo I want for the category thumb. I want it from a different gallery.
Any other ideas?
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