
A day on the farm

Mr EddyMr Eddy Registered Users Posts: 58 Big grins
edited June 22, 2011 in Journeys
A friend of mine has recently decided that his various careers (PR, government, journalism, etc) are less interesting than Cheese and thrown an amazing amount of energy into his new dairy farm and cheese making. This was the first opportunity I had to see this new venture, and it's in an amazingly beautiful, hilly part of Gippsland near Mt Baw Baw. Truly dairy country here. Rolling impossibly green hills covered in paddocks, cows and trees.

I'll start with the cliche shot of the cow in the paddock. Ironically enough, not actually his cows. He plans on Jereys and is only just now building up his herd.


More green. You cannot imagine how many photos I have of green grass and green trees.


He's made the reasonable decision that donkeys are easier and cheaper to loook after than horses or ponys so here are his 'girls'. I had no idea how much noise donkeys make when they're annoyed. Like they are if you walk past without a carrot or apple for them. Much braying ensues. The white one here is very, very pregnant and due in the next few weeks.


I'll finish with a few shots of the impossibly cute calfs being raised and fed right now. The racket when it's feeding time is very entertaining. Plus the headbutting and general carry on to get near the feeding machine.



And this is what happens if you get too close to the pen with your plastic raincoat...

Thanks for taking a look. I appreciate any criticism or abuse. Mild abuse anyway.


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    KalamataKalamata Registered Users Posts: 97 Big grins
    edited June 22, 2011
    Good luck on your mates venture. The pictures of the donkeys are nice.
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