DSS SOOC - First Tries - Thoughts pls?

I set out to take photos of many different things and here are the better images. I re-set my camera to take smaller size photos and tried different settings in different kinds of lighting to see if I could get a really nice photo. I have a couple of favorites, and I know a few of them aren't as good as they could be, but are any of them "really" good enough for this challenge? I could use your thoughts.
1. Spider and Web

2. Morning Garden

3. Trumpet Vine Morning Meal

4. Potato Blossom

5. Daylilly Soaking Up The Sun

6. Cucumber Blossom Seeking Shade

7. Quiet Support

8. The Strength Behind

9. Innocent Eyes
1. Spider and Web

2. Morning Garden

3. Trumpet Vine Morning Meal

4. Potato Blossom

5. Daylilly Soaking Up The Sun

6. Cucumber Blossom Seeking Shade

7. Quiet Support

8. The Strength Behind

9. Innocent Eyes

Jenn (from Oklahoma)
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Pentax K-x and assorted lenses
My favorite of this set is #2, morning garden, and then in order, 4, 1, and 9. The others just don't stand out to me, a few have the background in better focus than what I'd expect to be the main subject, and some the background is just really busy.
Also, I have a case of extreme garden envy. Those look like luscious plants that will make some delicious fresh vegetables in a few short weeks!
Mee too!
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Me, too!
In #1, the spider is blown out. Nice shot of the web. I took a few shots of some orb weaver babies that my son could not even look at. He is such a wimp when it comes to spiders.
I like the light in #4, but it looks a little soft. If you could go -1/3 or -2/3 on the EV, you might preserve a little more detail in the white and drop the BG a bit darker, making it pop a little more. You may also have a macro button or mode on you camera - usually denoted by a flower symbol. My Kodak P&S has this and it does a decent job in closeups.
I also like the light in #6, but I think it would be better if you got a bit closer - maybe the post and 4 squares that include the flower. It also looks a little soft. And it might work better if the flower were in sunlight so it would pop more from the BG.
You also might do some playing with the picket fence in the BG of the daylillies shot.
- Randy
Photo Of The Day & My SmugMug Gallery
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1 - 6 likes
2 - 1 like
3 - 1 like
4 - 5 likes
6 & 7 - not sures
9- 1 like
I don't understand why the spider web shot got so many likes even though the spider was blown? I kind of like it, but almost didn't post it because the spider WAS blown.
# 4 got 5 likes.. I took maybe 35 shots using different angles and settings with that potato blossom. I'm pretty sure that blossom isn't there anymore tho. I can try to see if I can get another blossom if anymore are there.
red_zone .. about the garden envy ..
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
I like the flower in #3 better than the flower in #4, but I just think the fence makes for a lousy background.
I wish I could put an order in with the spider and get it to build another web in a better place to photograph!
Oh and the fence bg... those trumpet vines are growing on the fence and there isn't any angle I can take a photo of them w/o the fence being in the bg.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
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Do you think any of my shots of Daylilly's a-f are better than my #1 or #4? I took a lot of different positions and settings and these came out better than the rest. Thanks!
Here's some more:
10. beefsteak tomatos (I know this is probably too dark, but I put it up here so red_zone could see some of my tomatoes!
11. Daylilly -a
11. Daylilly - b
12. Daylilly - c
13. Daylilly -d
14. Daylilly - e
15. Daylilly - f
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
MMmmm those tomatoes look delicious. I have plans for raised beds in my tiny back yard... but the rest of the house "must" be done first, or so my wife says. .sigh. I would love to engineer a drip irrigation system for the entire back yard and just grow a jungle back there.
I really like the Day Lily photo that you ended up choosing for the competition. I think that the time of day is perfect (I'm not usually one for mid-day sun) and that if the fence weren't in shadow that it wouldn't have been nearly as good. I like the dark fence background with the bright stripes of sky and the brilliantly lit flower in the foreground.
If you decide to do the drip irrigation... I can show you what I did. It really isn't all that hard and it saves time standing out and watering everything by hand. I did both my front and back yard... plus I have a dripper clipped to a bucket to put fresh water into it for my dog every time the timer waters my garden!
Thanks! I couldn't decide what to enter so went with the better image of the lilly, although there are several lillies entered already. I didn't notice that 'til after I entered mine. Oh well!
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6