Keyword, CS2 & smugmugs bulk keyword???

Hi everyone. Smugmug help suggested I post my question here. Although I add keywords in CS2 & they are there after uploading... I’m finding I have to spend a lot of time customizing them in smugmugs bulk edit tools.
For example in CS2 keyword file info I may put in tigers, football, mark twain, 61 zach, utterback, football, 20051008
CS2 automatically separates them with comma's rather than "".
After uploading I have to go in and put "" around anything that should be one keyword such as "61 zach" "mark twain" "20051008"
Is there a simpler way to get the keywords right from the get go in CS2 so that after uploading they'll work & display properly so I don't have to spend so much time re-keywording them?
If I add the "" around the words in CS2's keywording will they remain together properly in smugmug? If so does this create any negative effects in other software I might need to be aware of before I start adding "" in all my CS2 keywords.
How does everyone else get around this quickly, successfully & painlesslessly? :-)
For example in CS2 keyword file info I may put in tigers, football, mark twain, 61 zach, utterback, football, 20051008
CS2 automatically separates them with comma's rather than "".
After uploading I have to go in and put "" around anything that should be one keyword such as "61 zach" "mark twain" "20051008"
Is there a simpler way to get the keywords right from the get go in CS2 so that after uploading they'll work & display properly so I don't have to spend so much time re-keywording them?
If I add the "" around the words in CS2's keywording will they remain together properly in smugmug? If so does this create any negative effects in other software I might need to be aware of before I start adding "" in all my CS2 keywords.
How does everyone else get around this quickly, successfully & painlesslessly? :-)
Cindy Colbert (Utterback) • Wishing You Co-Bear Love, Hugs & Laughter!!!
Until smugmug makes a change, you'll have to put quotes around your multi-word keywords. I don't like it either.