This is super cool. Doesn't somebody want to make it work w/a smugmug feed??
This is super cool. Doesn't somebody want to make it work w/a smugmug feed??

Posts by Allyson, the wife/assistant...
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
It does not sound too hard, even a rookie coder like me could probably do this as it's been prepared for integration by the author.
It does also look cool, but Flash (compability) and XML (obese and strict) are downers for me personally, and I could not justify spending time on it as I've a project of my own. I will come back and have a crack at it if no-one else does in the meantime, I probably could reuse some code from my current anyway...
Although the right person for the job would probably solve this by connecting the XML input to SmugMugs XML-RPC endpoint
It would not hurt a passing-by coder if you could elaborate some on what you hope a solution would look and feel like, like how would you hope to use it?
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
The links that are sent with data from a "smartgallery" like when you "collect" photos from an album to display in a second one, automatically point to the source album - a nifty SM feature.
Also one should make logic to support that if a special link is supplied to the script, all clicks should lead there - possibly including source albumId and albumKey as arguments
There should also be two ways of feeding the script: feed (like rss) and optinally specify username/albumId/albumKey
Sounds right?
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube