#79--Thoughts/Comments Appreciated

slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
edited June 25, 2011 in The Dgrin Challenges
I just returned from a business trip to El Paso, TX. I only took my p&s camera with me and I didn't have a chance to take many pictures. Here are a few. Any worthy? Comments and feedback appreciated. (I will have time later today to begin leaving my comments on other threads, but I really appreciate anyone who will take the time to give me a little bit of feedback in advance of that.)

1. Desert Oasis (Butterfield Trail Golf Course)

2. Desert Oasis #2

3. Golf in the Desert (I hate that I cut off the top of the golf club, but I like that you can see the golf ball in flight.)

4. McKelligan Canyon

5. Mosaic on a Rock Wall

6. Old Man of the Mountain (I thought this looked like Grandpa taking a nap--you see his eyes, his nose, his mustache shaped like a slight smile, and his arm over his chest.)

Full gallery: http://pollettsquaredphotography.smugmug.com/SherryShots/People/El-Paso-2011/17731569_S5H6Lz#1353671270_78ndrdX

Thanks for looking. I plan to take my dSLR out tomorrow to try for something different.



  • billseyebillseye Registered Users Posts: 847 Major grins
    edited June 25, 2011
    I like #3 best, but agree that the loss of the club head is disappointing. The rest of the shot is well-composed and the ball in flight is a wonderful capture.
    Bill Banning

    Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited June 25, 2011
    Thanks, Bill. My original intent was to catch the swing just as the club was hitting the ball, so that's the way I set up. Unfortunately, I was too darned slow pushing the button. :bash

    Maybe I'll find something better to shoot tomorrow.

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