DSS #79 - second go - please help me choose!
After all recent wet weather, finally had nice day with brilliant sunset on way home tonight (possibly helped by the Chilean ash?!).
First is my current entry, then five of the shots taken tonight.
Feedback be appreciated, and comments to help choose the entry for #79:
#1 Misty Sunrise
#2 Sunset - Tarawera River Mouth
#3 Sunset - Tarawera River Mouth
#4 Sunset - Tarawera River Mouth
#5 Sunset - Tarawera River Mouth
#6 Sunset - Tarawera River Mouth
First is my current entry, then five of the shots taken tonight.
Feedback be appreciated, and comments to help choose the entry for #79:
#1 Misty Sunrise

#2 Sunset - Tarawera River Mouth

#3 Sunset - Tarawera River Mouth

#4 Sunset - Tarawera River Mouth

#5 Sunset - Tarawera River Mouth

#6 Sunset - Tarawera River Mouth

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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Nice set to choose from
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
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