First UMass Hockey of the year.
And its the girls.
The girls team is ACHA club (which i could play with) and a "b" team (which leaves me more time to shoot and ref).
So its the first UMass Hockey game of the season I have shot.
Its in the practice rink and the light SUCKS (its not so bad durning the day, the little bit of light that comes through the windows at the top of the rink manage to make a difference).
I also shot the men's exhibition game last night in there too, but havent had time to post them yet.
Cant wait to get into the big arena again.

And I cant remeber if I posted and soccer photos lately, but I updated my SS account, if you are interested
The girls team is ACHA club (which i could play with) and a "b" team (which leaves me more time to shoot and ref).
So its the first UMass Hockey game of the season I have shot.
Its in the practice rink and the light SUCKS (its not so bad durning the day, the little bit of light that comes through the windows at the top of the rink manage to make a difference).
I also shot the men's exhibition game last night in there too, but havent had time to post them yet.
Cant wait to get into the big arena again.

And I cant remeber if I posted and soccer photos lately, but I updated my SS account, if you are interested
Take a look at this year's USA Rulebook. The cover is one of my ref'ing
Looking forward to the season.
A bunch of people talked me into it, they need women officals.
Was a three, took a year off and back to two. For me, not much point going
beyond two/three as I will never work the games I spend so much time and
effort training for. I do mostly adult league stuff and the occassional midget
or college game (of the club variety). I have worked youth games at the
"Shark Tank" and that's been pretty cool.
Go to the seminar and take the test. Because you're right, our sport could
use more qualified officials (I could give you a long rant about the 3's that
can't skate their way out of a paper bag...but that's another story).
skating is my strongest part of my game, I was a figure skater for 11 years.....but loved hockey since a kid. Didnt start playing hockey till college though, decided I was sick of being a fan.
Nice bright pics. Can you share details or did I miss that somewhere ...
Shot with a 20d, 70-200 2.8 L.
Pretty sure I had it always the way down to 2.8, but in the big arena i shoot between 2.8-5.6.
Iso bummped all the way up to 800, but I found some of my shots from the practice rink last year and the 1600 on the 20d are not really bad at all.
Then the shutter is at 500 pretty much as slow as you can go for hockey.
Auto focus is on AI servo, with hockey you still get alot of soft shots, especially as shooting through glass. There is just alot going on. Sometimes I track the puck, sometimes I track the puck carrier, sometimes I anticpate shots from the d (especially on a PP) or at least a pass, sometimes I focus on the goaltender. I have a ridiculous understanding of the game, strategy and tendancies so that helps when shooting hockey alot ( I think its also why alot of my other sports shots come out ok too......I take that understanding of hockey and apply it to games I have never personally played before like soccer or lacrosse)
The other thing I do and I have heard many ways to do the White Balancing, my friend uses a grey card, but what I do is set the white balance off the home jerseys (which can be a problem when you are say at colorado college and the teams homes are like a tan/gold with that crazy dazzle cloth, and denver where there homes are white but made out of dazzle cloth as well too).
Balancing off the home jereys makes the jerseys white, and the ice alittle off white. Which for me I think it better because it seperates the two whites better, and I have never had a problem of overexposing.
Althought with hockey I never listen to my in camera meter, because it becomes a big fat liar in the rink.
Maybe one of these days I should write these all down or something
i completely agree with the knowledge-of-the-game idea. I also played lacrosse but not hockey, and I am only slowly finding the real action/drama in hockey (it's not always around the puck). Hockey players have momentum to deal with, so they have to setup their moves - and that should allows me to predict the action better than I can in lacrosse (a much faster game IMHO).
Tonight I will WB to a grey card and shoot a color card as well. AWB just doesn't work with my rink, which is probably worse than most practice rinks.
I think shooting novice amateur hockey at a local rink is like combat training.
Not bad at all considering the light
Guys pics soon? In the big arena? I'll be
I like watching play develop in Women's hockey. What the Women might lack
in strength, they more than make up for in strategy and team play.
Regarding white balance. Lights in some arenas will "cycle" in an
imperceptible way. So in a burst of three or four, one might be correctly
balanced while the others differ slightly. This is especially true until the
lamps reach operating temperature. To your eye, the lighting will remain
Try this. Using a white coffee filter (or the big bucks route, an Expodisc)
over the lens, shoot the lights and use that image as your custom WB image.
You might need to turn AF off to get this shot (another reason for using
"*" for focus by the way)--remember to turn AF back on.
If you don't use coffee filters, try asking for one at Starbuck's or grab one
from work. Remember, use only the white filters.
Even if you think the coffee filter is hokey, it's not. And it's worth keeping
one in the bag for emergencies
But I realised its TWO weeks till we get a home game, next week the team travels to the North Country (games against SLU and Clarkson) and becuase I have to take the pager I cant go
This was a taken in a rink that the lights cycle in last year. Alot of them I ended up with really pink ice.
Althought I am SLOWLY learning PS and how to take the pink out.
If you want to see how far I have come, (not in terms of sports but in general) the daily photo isnt bad.
It kind of has it ups and down moments its self.
But year one is almost complete