Stockholm, Sweden: a short break

Hi all,
Recently took a family trip to Stockholm for a 3 day weekend. Wasn't able to pack much as still recovering from an operation on my right collarbone... and yeah i'm right handed :rolleyes
So packed my D7000 and a Nikkor 35mm f1.8... about all I could manage to lift with assistance from my left arm (anyone notice that all DSLRs are right handed :scratch i have now... )
Anyway after arriving late the first day we decided to head out and do some shopping... I didn't take any photos as... well... just didn't...
On the second day however we took off on a boat trip around Stockholm... The day started off grey but would improve later on...
1. Stockholm Harbour

After a short boat ride (hop-on-hop-off style) we hopped off and visited the Vasa museum - my father visited it on a business trip many many years ago and loved it - we had a great time spending a few hours there
2. The Vasa

3. Vasa interior shot

We found out why it sank... turns out she only sailed 1300m before it all went wrong... Any wonder it sank... it was kind of obvious when you see this pic (well i thought so)
4. image of boat sitting in water

That longboat beside the Vasa is on the waterline... hmmm perhaps sittting a "tad" too far out of the water guys?? :dunno
Along with some of the artefacts on the ship...

...they've done some incredible reproductions of the people who's skeletons they found in the ship when they raised it.
6. couple of the people's reconstructed heads

once we got back outside after some 3hrs it was blue skies again
7. Harbour

We got on the boat again and got off at another island which had a lovely little bar/restaurant where we chilled out in the sun... it also had some nice buildings.
8. Nice building on the waterline

Apparently this island was quite derelict and the government really had to encourage people with monetary incentives to setup shop/house here... tell you what it was lovely and we'd have happily had a house there! alas I think we're too late now...
They also have a lot of boats moored there and all have explanations about their origins, some very interesting stories to be read!
9. Signs

10. Here's another gratuitous harbor shot

It was finally getting on towards evening...
11. Svenska Handelsbanken time to get some dinner at B.A.R. restaurant (HIGHLY recommended by the way!)
12. yum!

Then it was sunset - reallly late as it's nordic summer...
13. Sunset 1

14. Sunset 2

but obviously some people are just getitng warmed up - including a wannabe Batman
15. Batmobile

On the third and last day we also didn't do too much... a little shopping and some walking...
I leave you with a quick shot from a "car dealer" - love the fact as long as there is snow on the ground you can drive these on the roads to work :P
16. quad tracked bike

Cheers! :thumb
Recently took a family trip to Stockholm for a 3 day weekend. Wasn't able to pack much as still recovering from an operation on my right collarbone... and yeah i'm right handed :rolleyes
So packed my D7000 and a Nikkor 35mm f1.8... about all I could manage to lift with assistance from my left arm (anyone notice that all DSLRs are right handed :scratch i have now... )
Anyway after arriving late the first day we decided to head out and do some shopping... I didn't take any photos as... well... just didn't...

On the second day however we took off on a boat trip around Stockholm... The day started off grey but would improve later on...
1. Stockholm Harbour

After a short boat ride (hop-on-hop-off style) we hopped off and visited the Vasa museum - my father visited it on a business trip many many years ago and loved it - we had a great time spending a few hours there
2. The Vasa

3. Vasa interior shot

We found out why it sank... turns out she only sailed 1300m before it all went wrong... Any wonder it sank... it was kind of obvious when you see this pic (well i thought so)
4. image of boat sitting in water

That longboat beside the Vasa is on the waterline... hmmm perhaps sittting a "tad" too far out of the water guys?? :dunno
Along with some of the artefacts on the ship...

...they've done some incredible reproductions of the people who's skeletons they found in the ship when they raised it.
6. couple of the people's reconstructed heads

once we got back outside after some 3hrs it was blue skies again

7. Harbour

We got on the boat again and got off at another island which had a lovely little bar/restaurant where we chilled out in the sun... it also had some nice buildings.
8. Nice building on the waterline

Apparently this island was quite derelict and the government really had to encourage people with monetary incentives to setup shop/house here... tell you what it was lovely and we'd have happily had a house there! alas I think we're too late now...
They also have a lot of boats moored there and all have explanations about their origins, some very interesting stories to be read!
9. Signs

10. Here's another gratuitous harbor shot

It was finally getting on towards evening...
11. Svenska Handelsbanken time to get some dinner at B.A.R. restaurant (HIGHLY recommended by the way!)
12. yum!

Then it was sunset - reallly late as it's nordic summer...
13. Sunset 1

14. Sunset 2

but obviously some people are just getitng warmed up - including a wannabe Batman
15. Batmobile

On the third and last day we also didn't do too much... a little shopping and some walking...
I leave you with a quick shot from a "car dealer" - love the fact as long as there is snow on the ground you can drive these on the roads to work :P
16. quad tracked bike

Cheers! :thumb
Jase //
@Art - thanks - healing very slowly as it was a real mess but at least i can take some photos again now
@red_zone - yeah tripod would have been helpful but i was limited in carry capacity.... actually Stockholm is one of my favorite cities in the world and my wife and I were saying we'd love to come back and speed a whole week there
Thanks to all those who've viewed too... the silent ones
Jase //