
Sales History Page Error

Favori81Favori81 Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
edited June 28, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
I keep getting an error where my sales history page will not show. It constantly times out. It's been doing this for a while (and by a while I mean months...almost a year) and I've contacted support about it multiple times. Is there anything else that can possibly be done to rectify this error?


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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 28, 2011
    Favori81 wrote: »
    I keep getting an error where my sales history page will not show. It constantly times out. It's been doing this for a while (and by a while I mean months...almost a year) and I've contacted support about it multiple times. Is there anything else that can possibly be done to rectify this error?

    Hi, I went and looked up your tickets on this issue - last reply from us to you was from the sorcerer involved with fixing the issue, and he also provided you your csv - we can do that again, if you just write us and ask - and we can also look up anything you need on your site - I'm sorry for the issue and I hope that we can get this corner case fixed :(
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