#80, harder than it looks...

This challenge is more challenging than it looks as I forget all the rules. However these are point and shoot type images that I did not set up rather found these critters out raiding my bird feeders, which is definately breaking my garden edicate rules for wildlife! So these are basically straight from camera, let me know what you think about any of them. Do they apply to the theme? Are they breaking photography rules?
1. This was taken through my dirty kitchen window at first sighting.

2. This was taken with the lens poking out my back door so not to spook her, but alas she heard the shutter release.

3. This was taken after the first one ran off. Its the offspring of the latter and looked like an inocent bystander...
1. This was taken through my dirty kitchen window at first sighting.

2. This was taken with the lens poking out my back door so not to spook her, but alas she heard the shutter release.

3. This was taken after the first one ran off. Its the offspring of the latter and looked like an inocent bystander...

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I also admire your talent and creativity and I know you can come with something much better
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In regard to your set, here, I'd say the first one is the best photo. As far as rule breaking goes, the main subject is in an unusual place in the frame. Not centered, not really in a rule of thirds location... just sort of off-center. The weight of the flowers on the lower right also creates a balance point that isn't quite matched with the weight/placement of the subject.
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Not enough of the subject in #2
Again in #3 too much distraction.
I dont particularly like any of these photos........ I should know as I've take lots of these myself !