Unable to apply watermark to multiple galleries
Applying watermark to individual galleries works great.
But when attempting to apply to multiple, it always reverts back to "smugmug default" as opposed to the one I am selecting.
But when attempting to apply to multiple, it always reverts back to "smugmug default" as opposed to the one I am selecting.
Hi Chris,
I just checked this out and can say that I am seeing the same thing you are seeing (this is definitely not behaving correctly). Let me send a note over to our QA team. They will test this and have an engineer assigned to it. Sorry for the troubles!
Smugmug: http://photosbykathie.com
Blog: http://www.dandenong-ranges-photography.com.au/blog/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KathiesPhotos
Hey folks!
This looks to be fixed now! I just tested it on my site and everything is working prefectly!! :ivar
And, a big thanks to the sorcerers on this one!!!