Eagles on Prince William Sound(finally)
After nearly a two year hiatus, I finally got a chance over the Fourth holiday for some eagle photography. Tried out the D7000 for the first time in this application and it didn't do well. Buffer only holds 10 frames in RAW mode which just didn't cut it for shooting eagles fishing. By the time I decided to swith back to the trusty D300 body the birds were about done feeding. Salmon are starting to run and they only need one of those puppies to fill themselves and the chicks in the nest. Only had a couple of hours but managed to come away with a shot or two.
On the attack

and mission accomplished.

Okay that's getting a little too close...

So how about a flyby?

This guy dove down and caught a salmon right in front of the tree he was sitting in so no time to set up and shoot him in flight. The salmon was too big to fly with so he had to swim ashore and drag it out on the bank. It didn't dawn on my to get a shot of him swimming :scratch Anyway, we motored over closer and got a few frames of him on the bank. Not a high quality image but I thought it was a good behavioral shot and is also kind of funny.

And for the obligatory "bird on a stick" I had to pull one from a couple of months ago when I was down at the Cordova shoerbird festival.
On the attack

and mission accomplished.

Okay that's getting a little too close...

So how about a flyby?

This guy dove down and caught a salmon right in front of the tree he was sitting in so no time to set up and shoot him in flight. The salmon was too big to fly with so he had to swim ashore and drag it out on the bank. It didn't dawn on my to get a shot of him swimming :scratch Anyway, we motored over closer and got a few frames of him on the bank. Not a high quality image but I thought it was a good behavioral shot and is also kind of funny.

And for the obligatory "bird on a stick" I had to pull one from a couple of months ago when I was down at the Cordova shoerbird festival.

I like that eagle on a pole. All fluffy
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...