DSS #80 Only have 2 considerations so far

Tough challenge
and I have found little to go with. Lion or fireworks?
Your opinions would be nice.
I was thinking about the way too centered rule and OOF mostly as I had 2 images that were maybe considerations.
2 versions of this one. First 1 pretty much I shot this way and the 2nd I PS'd for similar result just a bit sharper. Not sure which one I like the best. Perhaps neither works or any of the 3 here :scratch
#1 Chalk Lion

#2 PS version as mentioned.

#3 Centered fireworks....

Your opinions would be nice.
I was thinking about the way too centered rule and OOF mostly as I had 2 images that were maybe considerations.
2 versions of this one. First 1 pretty much I shot this way and the 2nd I PS'd for similar result just a bit sharper. Not sure which one I like the best. Perhaps neither works or any of the 3 here :scratch
#1 Chalk Lion

#2 PS version as mentioned.

#3 Centered fireworks....

Good luck!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
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promise of the first 2 for sure. Not that I don't trust my wifes opinion too
If your OOF focus was done via PS, also try a version with his entire face, including his muzzle, in focus but leave just the mane OOF. See if you like it.
And Linda... That USM with settings of 20/50/0 went seriously sharp. Wow. I rarely do that and its cool to have tried it at that rate.
Sidewalk Chalk Art
The way I see this done is to take a half of the image and paste it (reversed) on the other side to obtain a symmetry,
and after that I think a simple zoom will do it, with some contrast...
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No... scratch that. I figured it was a wee too hot myself especially with the higher added sharp, enhanced heavy color and contrast, but I had to post it none the less. I appreciate your saying anything at all. thank you.
Neat trick to try that thing your suggesting. My in camera zoom with subject presented an interesting potential and I have got'n away from that or simply just killed it with this messing with PS trying to find equal measures and stay in theme. Running out of time and I see I have good company
Excellent suggestion for what you were saying about acquiring a better symmetry
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