The Old Boy Just Won't Go Down
Some of you may remember, from prior posts of mine, the saga of " Henry ". That's the name I stuck on this barn....born out of familiarity from passing by him over the 25 years I had a place not far from him. For ages gone by, Henry was a stalwart in the valley community.....standing tall and proud as a beacon of strength. He weathered record snowfalls, brutal cold winds, rains of epic proportions, and hail the size of golf balls.
Then the inevitable ravages of time and exposure began to take their toll. Still tall, proud, and useful, some of Henry's spunk began to slip away. He entered the Assisted Living stage of his life. A few more harsh Winters really hit Henry hard and he was ushered into the full-blown Nursing Home stage.....eager to perform at past levels but just not up to the tasks. Then last Winter's really wicked ice storms left no was Hospice time for Henry.
On my recent visit to the area, I fully expected to find Henry gone. But, low and behold, there he stood. The old farmer that owns Henry said he had considered razing the site. But, out of respect for an old friend that wasn't ready to go, he said he would, instead, let Henry tell him when he was finally ready to move on.

Then the inevitable ravages of time and exposure began to take their toll. Still tall, proud, and useful, some of Henry's spunk began to slip away. He entered the Assisted Living stage of his life. A few more harsh Winters really hit Henry hard and he was ushered into the full-blown Nursing Home stage.....eager to perform at past levels but just not up to the tasks. Then last Winter's really wicked ice storms left no was Hospice time for Henry.
On my recent visit to the area, I fully expected to find Henry gone. But, low and behold, there he stood. The old farmer that owns Henry said he had considered razing the site. But, out of respect for an old friend that wasn't ready to go, he said he would, instead, let Henry tell him when he was finally ready to move on.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Darn a bunch of people that won't let you sleep. I tell you, Michael, it just ain't right.
Take care buddy,
Thank you much, Gary.
Got any news yet about stock agency opportunities for your work?
Lauren Blackwell
Hi Lauren,
The farmer has, in fact, promised me that swinging panel just above the blue tractor....the one with the yellow sign in the window. In case you can't read it, the sign says " eat more possum ". I'm planning a small barn / workshop at my new place up there and that panel is going to occupy a place of prominence.....the spirit of Henry will live on.
Lauren Blackwell