The story of the world.

ValerieJeanValerieJean Registered Users Posts: 47 Big grins
edited July 13, 2011 in Landscapes
How can anyone not really "see" what photographers see???

If you can't appreciate what you have, bigger and better will never make you feel differently. I'd never judge you for living life to it's fullest, or pursuing a passion while working for a bigger and better life. Everyone wants that, follow your dreams, just don't let your dreams over-power your compassion for the rest of the world. Work towards the greater good and empowered humanitarianism as a whole world, together.. People believe and follow a man in the sky that's never been seen, but treat the other side of the world as if it and it's problems don't exist.

I'm sorry if this is long, and "politic-y", but I'm just so sickened by the drought going on is Africa right now that I could go without food for as long as they do. I just LOVE how the royal wedding in England got 2,000% more attention to include people flying across the country to witness "history", yet the drought going on in Africa right now goes unnoticed by most. There are roughly 17.5 million people facing death from thirst and starvation because of this and it is proven that it will continue to get worse.. I want you to think about this before you send unnecessary toxins into the air by way of vehicle, before choosing a bottle of water over buying re-useable gallon jugs and drinking from a glass. While you're taking your 30 minute shower and refusing to use the same towel more than once. If someone can spend thousands to go on multiple vacations a year just because they work hard and feel it's deserved, make one of those vacations to an impoverished village and volunteer, or send 20 cases of water somewhere every time you go on vacation. The people in Africa work the bones off of their children as well, they deserve food but they don't get it.. Even when you're buying unnecessary, factory made "things" that we are tricked into buying because "WE JUST NEED JOBS" so we can afford fancy vases, and $200 purses that will end up being the closest thing to meat in your pantry if we keep it up. Buying things we need that are produced locally with care, attention, and pride, minus the factory pollution, would support our local economies so we can stand on our own two feet without the government having to step in all of the time. How do we expect one central government to predict the cause and effect every decision they make has on an entire country and for it to work out all of the time??? Or ever?? At one point, in most places, people relied on themselves and their communities to survive and it worked... they had each other, they took care of each other. It was more important the community survived than who could have a prettier image. . When man started getting greedy is when we GAVE the government the control.

"Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of California, Santa Barbara, determined that warming of the Indian Ocean, which causes decreased rainfall in eastern Africa, is linked to global warming."<wbr>​m/releases/2011/01/1101281<wbr>​13426.htm ...

We are ruining this earth and only about 10% of the people I know actually give it a second thought enough to give up even a tiny bit of luxury to stop contributing to this destruction and famine. I sure hope all of those whom are making selfish choices can sleep on the world that's being handed down to the children we work so hard to provide with a top notch life, because I can't. .

When I take pictures like this, it just invokes so much emotion. It makes me wish until I'm sick that the world would wake up and spend less time on getting 2 year old pedicures, and more time with them in the garden or volunteering time somewhere. Stop sending them to daycare just so we can buy 30,000$ gas hog vehicles that we can't even afford the gas or the time off work to be able to go anywhere with our kids. Having 4 wheels to travel on used to be the priority, now it's how many gadgets decorate the 4 wheels so people will think we are great human beings. Or if you can afford it, at least have a small, less polluting car for minor errands. We need to teach our kids confidence with self sufficiency, and not teaching them that without these things they are unsuccessful and ugly. As well as to not waste time worrying about what Lindsay Lohan got arrested for today, and more about adapting and coexisting...

I'm not perfect by any means, but I don't only do and "get" what I can, I constantly always strive to "give" more; on a daily basis. And I know that as I continue to gain the resources to do more, I will. Be gone with this Republican vs. Democracy bull. I'm voting Humanity this election.

Thanks for listening. :lust
I never question what to do, it tells me what to do. The photographs make themselves with my help. ~Ruth Bernhard
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