Postcard Printing Purgatory

Try saying THAT 10x fast!! :rofl
So I wanted some postcards of my headshots to strew around the dressing rooms of the show I'm currently in. Got some of the 4x6 from since they're fast and cheap.
Well.... frustrated with the order. Very, very, VERY frustrated. I'd like to blame their cheapo printing for all the problems, but I don't think I can. Ok, so they're a bit dark (even though I KNEW that could be a problem and ensured the original was nice and bright!). But the biggest problem is that in the collage of headshots, the colour balances are ALL OVER THE PLACE. Some of them are too magenta, some too green, some too red.... I hardly know where to start. Some of these shots I've seen printed up (both from SM and elswhere) and they looked GREAT on their own, but next to others? Bleah.
I use a Huey.
I check on multiple monitors just in case something looks particularly weird.
I used their pdf "softproof", but that was for layout rather than colour, I think; it didn't seem to change any colours at all.
It's too late to have them reprinted in time and I'm reluctant to use them - in one shot (sadly, the largest one) the reds make the poor girl like she has rosacea.... or like I have no retouching skills at all!!
However, any ideas for getting this printed up the way I need it? Is this just crappy printing, or do I need to clean up my processing act? I can upload a copy if you like, but given that we don't have a soft-proof profile from them, I'm not sure if that will help :dunno
Thanks in advance....
So I wanted some postcards of my headshots to strew around the dressing rooms of the show I'm currently in. Got some of the 4x6 from since they're fast and cheap.
Well.... frustrated with the order. Very, very, VERY frustrated. I'd like to blame their cheapo printing for all the problems, but I don't think I can. Ok, so they're a bit dark (even though I KNEW that could be a problem and ensured the original was nice and bright!). But the biggest problem is that in the collage of headshots, the colour balances are ALL OVER THE PLACE. Some of them are too magenta, some too green, some too red.... I hardly know where to start. Some of these shots I've seen printed up (both from SM and elswhere) and they looked GREAT on their own, but next to others? Bleah.
I use a Huey.
I check on multiple monitors just in case something looks particularly weird.
I used their pdf "softproof", but that was for layout rather than colour, I think; it didn't seem to change any colours at all.
It's too late to have them reprinted in time and I'm reluctant to use them - in one shot (sadly, the largest one) the reds make the poor girl like she has rosacea.... or like I have no retouching skills at all!!
However, any ideas for getting this printed up the way I need it? Is this just crappy printing, or do I need to clean up my processing act? I can upload a copy if you like, but given that we don't have a soft-proof profile from them, I'm not sure if that will help :dunno
Thanks in advance....
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Print them your self maybe, or just have Smuggy print them for you. Then you know the color will be done right.
If you have the time, you might get the variations sorted out, but what is your time worth? And you sanity?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Short answer... yes
If color is important, i tend to pay more and go to a photo printing place.
whcc, mpix, etc. are also options.
However, one of the real problems was the *variety* of colour balances shot to shot - the postcard is a collage (which I made).... presumably even SM can't fix something when they're all different? Each shot is in a different lighting situation so they can't actually *match* so there is a variation of warm/cool, but on my monitor each of them looked good for its own context. The cards? Bleah. Only two of the 6 shots in the collage were acceptable, IMO - both of those were shot in daylight (the others were mixed light - WB'd in post, of course - and/or flash).
Once you have all the images adjusted for similar color and exposure you can deal with the printers. Then all adjustments to the file and or printers will be consistent across all images.
For example if the reds are too much or the hue is off you can make one adjustment and bring all the images into line. Or say the postcard is too dark. Again one adjustment and your done.
You can also get a proof sent to you before placing your order. I have no problem with calling and speaking to the company and expressing my concerns.
OH, I would not use the postcards you photo is better than a bad photo!
I'm going to try printing a few myself - if I can distribute ~15 this weekend, that will do for now. And then I have to figure out a better way to do this...
FWIW, I used the Picasa collage maker - the photos were all carefully prepped from "print-ready" copies I have, and then I used Picasa to arrange them (not quite as much control over layout as I'd like, but it was easier and working with fewer problems than either PS or LR for this particular task). I *thought* I'd nailed all the colours but.... apparently not. ~sad face~
Can we see the card? I am always looking for a better way to do collages.
Also, did you consider Moo type cards with different photos. I haven't done it but I have seen some cool ones!
I finally decided just to print a few myself on some "utility" HP paper (4xx6) and my bottom-of-the-line photo printer.
1. If you want something done right, do it thysen..... They're not perfect, but they're heaps better than the ones I had done.
2. The colours AS I ORIGINALLY HAD THEM EDITED were pretty close to on the money.
3. It still took for bleedin' ever to tweak and get it right (especially since I have to use two computers, since printer is not attached to the machine on which I edit - long story involving shared office space with spouse!
Off to check out Moo...
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