Julia Butterfly

The wife and I went to the OKC Zoo today to take some more photos of the butterflies. The indoor butterfly garden is closed for the winter so I went to the outdoor garden. While snapping photos of the butterflies, We met a lady and a young man netting the monarchs and tagging them. We had a very nice chat about monarch migration. She said that the cold front last Wednesday night will chase the monarchs south to Mexico and they are trying to tag as many as they can before they leave. My wife got to catch some monarchs, tag them and release them. We both had a great time. Enjoy.
Canon 20D
Sigma 180mm macro, 14.TC and 20mm extension tube
1/250 sec, f/8
Mode: Manual
ISO: 400
Flash exp comp: -2/3
Seriously that is interesting that they tag and release them. I've never heard of that. Do they use it as a means to be able to tell how many come back next year?
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Yep, a large portion of the Monarch population migrates down South for the Winter. We have a large population that winters over in Northern California. From Monterey to Half Moon Bay and beyond. Thousands of them cluster together in the eucalyptus trees. They look like colorful dead leaves all over the branches. It's a stunning sight
Kewl story and nice pic