Shoot Friday - What would you do? Need Your Feedback Please
I have a Photo shoot tomorrow and value all the Photographer's on here with their opinions.
Here is the breakdown: I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK PLEASE!
Model is in her 31
Never met her in person
Never spoke to her on the Phone
Just emails
She sent her photos
The shoot is at HER house near me
NEVER been there or saw the location
She wants to shoot Implied Nudes and Full Nudes
I've asked her questions in our emails to get a sense of her and how she sees herself, what she is looking for, the usual questions.
She is annoyed at me asking questions and just wants "shoot this thing already" "Enough with the 20 questions"
Today I asked her in an email if she would be more comfortable meeting in person in a public place for her peace of mind to see me before I go to her house.
She said Not needed.
Then she writes no worries because "I will have a friend at the house"
I asked her Who? BF? Husband?
She replied "A friend and he will be in the other room"
The question for you all is? (I believe I know the answer, but want to hear your feedback please)
Am I putting myself in a bad situation not only quality of shoot, lighting, surroundings, not meeting the model etc, But ALSO in a bad situation for my own safety?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Here is the breakdown: I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK PLEASE!
Model is in her 31
Never met her in person
Never spoke to her on the Phone
Just emails
She sent her photos
The shoot is at HER house near me
NEVER been there or saw the location
She wants to shoot Implied Nudes and Full Nudes
I've asked her questions in our emails to get a sense of her and how she sees herself, what she is looking for, the usual questions.
She is annoyed at me asking questions and just wants "shoot this thing already" "Enough with the 20 questions"
Today I asked her in an email if she would be more comfortable meeting in person in a public place for her peace of mind to see me before I go to her house.
She said Not needed.
Then she writes no worries because "I will have a friend at the house"
I asked her Who? BF? Husband?
She replied "A friend and he will be in the other room"
The question for you all is? (I believe I know the answer, but want to hear your feedback please)
Am I putting myself in a bad situation not only quality of shoot, lighting, surroundings, not meeting the model etc, But ALSO in a bad situation for my own safety?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
I have shot in pretty much that situation, but not nudes and always take someone with me and make sure they have someone there with them.
The nudity opens other doors for issues, obviously.
Simply make sure you get paid (if it's a paid gig) or the release is signed (if it's TF) before the shoot.
If it's a paid gig she'll probably be calling all the shots, you just set the lights and press the shutter.
If it's TF you definitely have more control, but the bottom line is pretty much the same.
The only questions I'd ask would be the number and type of looks/outfits/scenes/poses needed and the characteristics of the rooms you'll be shooting (height of the ceiling, color of the walls, size and position of the windows, etc). The latter is optional, you can always improvise, but this info can help you gear-wise. The rest you can figure out once you arrive on the scene.
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
Clearly your own insecurities and hangups are already putting a strain on the working relationship and I very much doubt she is going to be comfortable or the pics look great because you are going to be uptight as all get out and that will show through like a search light and the whole shoot is going to be very difficult.
I have done more shoots like this than I can remember. I have never asked a client tdo they want to meet before hand as to me it would be a time wasting pain in the backside and very few over the years have ever asked me. I don't have time to go see all the locations I have been asked to shoot at and a lot of the time that would be impractical to do both from the location POV and my own of all the non paid hours that would amount to. I go, I look, I think for 5 Min, I get on with it. No big deal.
If you have ticked her off with your questions, your asking the wrong ones.
I ask all my clients loads of questions to get a feel for what they want but whoever the heck they decide to have present and their relationship to them is none of my business nor would I ask. What is the difference to you whom it is? Is a person more of a threat to you if it's not her husband or less. Whoever it is will still be the same person no matter what their relationship so whats the difference?
I have had married women do shoots with their boyfriends heaps of times and yes, shock horror, it was behind the husbands back and they didn't want him to know about it. If this is the case with this client, she dosent want you sticking your nose in asking a lot of questions about it or the fear of you making judgements. All you need to know is will they be in some of the pics or not? End of section.
As for worrying about your safety, that sounds like something wannabe models on forums say to hide their insecurities or pacify jealous and over proctective boyfriends.
Like I say to them, if your so worried that someone is going to assult or commit a crime against you, the only smart thing to do is stay the hell away all together!
I have been doing shoots like this a long time and it is very apparent to me that you have insecurities and discomforts with this situation that pretty much render it doomed from the start. You have already got things off on the wrong foot and and created a tention. I would be not one bit surprised if the client is or has been making calls already to see if she can find someone else to do the shoot for her.
I would also not be surprised if the client pulls the pin at the last minute.
You should do it before hand because you are in no way ready for a shoot of this type or to make it successful.
And I don't stand for rude behavior in my forum. Consider yourself warned.
And if you are going to call others to task on their grammar you should be aware of your own spelling errors
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
No, it dosen't mean you are falling apart or crying but the fact you are asking people about it here and looking for advice does mean you have concerns and resevations about the situation which clearly indicates you are not at all comforatable with it.
far from an ideal way to go into a job.
Are the best photographers you know on Craigslist as well?
I don't know of any Successful shooter that has the time to meet glamour clients at a coffee place before the shoots just to see if they are comfortable and for the clients peace of mind!
There simply isn't the time in the day to spend on non paying hours like that unless you are getting many thousands of $$ out of your average shoot to cover it.
I haven't done a shoot where the partners is a nut, no. As for Escorts, haven't allowed them for years. Like I said, If people think they need someone else around to stop me assulting or commiting a crime against them, I simply tell them to stay the hell away from me ( in those very words) in the first place.
I have plenty of clients i can provide details on for potential clients to contact and check my bonafides before a shoot and if that's not good enough, thats really no skin off my nose. Thankfully i'm not starving yet and have to let the clients let alone wannabee models dictate to me how I run my shoots.
Obviously if other people choose to do that, then there are consequences as you are experienceing.
As for not doing enough shoots, perhaps you are right.
I haven't been real motivated this year and have only done 22 so far.
Over the last 27 years I have done many hundreds and have lost count.
How many glamour/ nude shots have you done?
I'd just like to get an idea so i will know when I have done enough nude shoots to encounter the complications and problems you are having.
This is some new and interesting information.
Sooo, We have a 31 yo wannabe model off craigslist that wants to start right off with implied and nudes and do the shoot in her house with an undisclosed person there for unknown reasons, is getting ticked off with your questions and dosen't want to meet rather just get on with it.
Given this new information and your reply thereto, I withdraw my previous reccomendation and highly suggest you go ahead with this shoot at all cost as it seems like a great opportunity for you in experience and exposure if not financial return.
In my ( Limited compared to your) experience, it is rare for 31 yo's to Start in modeling and even more unusual for a newb to want to begin with nudes. Put the 2 together and its very rare indeed. it is also highly unusual for people to want to shoot in their homes and as for a friend hanging round, yet to ever encounter that unless it was a significant other.
This does fit another profile of client I have encountered many times whom may call themselves "Models" but most people would have another name for. they do use pics to attract their clients online and it would also explain the " friend" and their required presence. I'm sure you would be even more indignant if I were to share those thoughts with you so I won't.
By this time the shoot has been done or ditched and i too would be intrerested to hear of the outcome and see some pics if you did shoot it.
Geez, and I had the guy pegged for a real pro that knew everything!
I see he posted a gallery with what appears to be a females name on his smutmug site so it looks like he did do the shoot.
Wouldn't you just love to see how those pics turned out??