Stretchy Problems with Firefox 5
Michael Day
Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
I decided to finally upgrade from Firefox 3 to Firefox 5 this morning. Immediately after heading over to my page ( I noticed the number of thumbnails changed. Using the Smugmug Gradient theme, I now have 15 thumbs where I used to have 20 or 24 (I can't remember which). I'm running a 1920x1080 monitor, so this leaves me a lot of dead space on the sides. After poking around with settings and other browsers, I've discovered that the auto-adjustment of the stretchy doesn't seem to work, only on my own galleries, only with Firefox, and the number of thumbs varies with which theme I choose. It doesn't appear to matter if I'm logged in or not. I'm pretty sure it's exclusive to Firefox 5; I took my laptop running Firefox 4 and hooked it up to the big screen and everything stretched fine, then upgraded that laptop to 5 and the problem persisted. I also checked with my brothers laptop and it doesn't stretch properly on it either.
I haven't the slightest clue what could be the cause. Something to do with my javascript perhaps?
I haven't the slightest clue what could be the cause. Something to do with my javascript perhaps?
is limited to 'largest size' large. That means photos cannot be displayed any larger.
And the gallery shows 24 thumbs on my 1920 wide screen just fine whether it be Firefox4:
or Firefox5:
The number of thumbnails and the size of the photo is determined automatically depending on many factors, like how much screen estate is available or what largest photo size can be shown without scrolling while a certain minimum of thumbnails is displayed.
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Here's what it looks like in Internet Explorer.
I suppose it's not so bad if everyone else can see it the way it's intended, but I really want to be able to see my own site in all its glory.
EDIT: Now I'm really confused. When the gallery appearance is set to the "Smugmug Gradient" that I want to use, I see the problem. But when I set it to the "default" which is supposed to be the same, they all look fine.
Try temporarily removing your advanced customizations. You do have some javascript code. Maybe it's causing an issue on your specific Firefox / system for whatever reason.
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