Stretchy Problems with Firefox 5

Michael DayMichael Day Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
edited July 24, 2011 in SmugMug Support
I decided to finally upgrade from Firefox 3 to Firefox 5 this morning. Immediately after heading over to my page ( I noticed the number of thumbnails changed. Using the Smugmug Gradient theme, I now have 15 thumbs where I used to have 20 or 24 (I can't remember which). I'm running a 1920x1080 monitor, so this leaves me a lot of dead space on the sides. After poking around with settings and other browsers, I've discovered that the auto-adjustment of the stretchy doesn't seem to work, only on my own galleries, only with Firefox, and the number of thumbs varies with which theme I choose. It doesn't appear to matter if I'm logged in or not. I'm pretty sure it's exclusive to Firefox 5; I took my laptop running Firefox 4 and hooked it up to the big screen and everything stretched fine, then upgraded that laptop to 5 and the problem persisted. I also checked with my brothers laptop and it doesn't stretch properly on it either.

I haven't the slightest clue what could be the cause. Something to do with my javascript perhaps?


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