DSS #81 - More Shots from Hawaii

Lots of photo ops but limitations on post-processing during the time frame of this challenge. I'm wondering whether you think any of these shots are a good fit for this challenge? The subject matter and style are "all over the place" as I continue experimenting with iPad apps (mostly Snapseed) and wander around the Big Island and Maui. These are relatively small jpeg files as I will have to process the Raw files back home, but I can take another stab at processing a couple of images if they seem like good possibilities.
1. Sunset Sail (processed with Snapseed)

2. Going with the Wind

3. Wired

4. Nenes on Mount Haleakala

5. Koi

6a. "If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me" (Psalm 139:9,10)

6b. "If I take the wings of the morning..". (processed with Snapseed)

6c. "If I take the wings of the morning..."

7. Independent Play

8. Francolin Family

9. Where East and West [Maui] Meet

10. Family of Feral Goats on the Big Island

Would be great to have input on these. It's hard for me to evaluate them on a tiny netbook screen and almost everything looks good on the iPad.
P.S. I am not an early morning person but was up for the sunrise the two days we stayed on the east coast of Maui. Too good an opportunity to miss!
1. Sunset Sail (processed with Snapseed)

2. Going with the Wind

3. Wired

4. Nenes on Mount Haleakala

5. Koi

6a. "If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me" (Psalm 139:9,10)

6b. "If I take the wings of the morning..". (processed with Snapseed)

6c. "If I take the wings of the morning..."

7. Independent Play

8. Francolin Family

9. Where East and West [Maui] Meet

10. Family of Feral Goats on the Big Island

Would be great to have input on these. It's hard for me to evaluate them on a tiny netbook screen and almost everything looks good on the iPad.
P.S. I am not an early morning person but was up for the sunrise the two days we stayed on the east coast of Maui. Too good an opportunity to miss!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Light is everything in life and photography.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
My husband is very good at spotting wildlife and then finding a place to let me jump out and get some photographs. The francolins and nenes were seen on the slopes of Mount Haleakala. Karin and Chris, the feral goats tried to cross the road in front of our car on the Big Island and lept back when they saw us. We pulled off the road and I stood behind the car, hoping they would cross but they were willing to wait longer than we were. I do like this shot but it is a bit trickier to process with limited photo editing software.
As a tangent, it looks like Snapseed keeps the exif data from the Canon 7d if it is the only iPad app I use on a photo. If I go to sharpen it with Photoshop Express, it disappears. It shows the date taken and date modified as identical but at least the date taken is accurate. Shot #2 was processed with both apps so I will be linking to the exif data of the same image edited only with Snapseed.
Thanks again,
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Sounds like #2 and #10 are both good options. Will have to figure out which to enter...
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The kite surfer (kite boarder) is connected to the kite, standing on the board and immersed in the beauty and power of nature. He was skimming over the water faster than anyone else we saw during our two weeks in Hawaii. On the other hand, he is alone in this environment. There weren't any other people visible on the beach or on the water. He is harnessing the wind but is not part of this natural environment. He is separate from the land. And he is participating in an individual sport (unlike those seen rowing an outrigger canoe another time).
That being said, I did work on some new edits of number 10 to keep that option open and then wasn't able to transfer them from the iPad to smug mug (with the photosync app or other ways) because of slow internet connections. So it made the decision a tad easier.
Many thanks,
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