Negative Storage?

I'm very excited about having recently gotten my old Nikon CoolScan up and running and have begun scanning my precious BW negatives that document my young family, going back to 1972.
Some of the negs have required cleaning, and now, rather than putting the newly-cleaned negs back into the old storage pages (with residual dust), I'm thinking it would be wise to purchase new ones.
My original pages are made of paper - what was that stuff called? glassine?
I also have some of the later negs stored in clear plastic.
Now - which is better for storage, paper or plastic - especially as pertains to moisture/mildew/long-term storage?
If I wanted to purchase the old-style paper/glassine, does anyone have a source?
Thanks! :-)
Some of the negs have required cleaning, and now, rather than putting the newly-cleaned negs back into the old storage pages (with residual dust), I'm thinking it would be wise to purchase new ones.
My original pages are made of paper - what was that stuff called? glassine?
I also have some of the later negs stored in clear plastic.
Now - which is better for storage, paper or plastic - especially as pertains to moisture/mildew/long-term storage?
If I wanted to purchase the old-style paper/glassine, does anyone have a source?
Thanks! :-)
They do not recommend glassine for archival storage since it "may be" acidic.
Be sure to also store the negatives in either acid free boxes or plastic boxes designed for archival storage of photographic media. Do not use vinyl binders for storage.
PrintFile appears to be who most people trust for archival storage supplies. I have not used them myself. (My film storage is decidedly not that good.) Note that in storage pages there are both 5-frame and 6-frame styles, depending on how your negatives are cut.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
I ended up at Calumet in Cambridge and bought some PrintFile pages, and boxes (I figure, if I'm going to re-wash some of these negs, I'm surely not going to re-insert back in the dusty old glassines). They're nifty - with a pocket for the contact sheet - but alas, they are for 5-frame strips and most of my negs are 6. Oh well, I'll order some 6s, but now I'm wondering if they'll all fit in the same box. Thanks for the info. :-) - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook