A brook

Hi all,
I had a photosession in the nearby woods the other day. The camera, the tripod, the works. Unfortunately, I can't use filters with my compact Canon, and there was too much light for longer exposures, but I do think these photos came out reasonably well, considering the limitations.

I had a photosession in the nearby woods the other day. The camera, the tripod, the works. Unfortunately, I can't use filters with my compact Canon, and there was too much light for longer exposures, but I do think these photos came out reasonably well, considering the limitations.

This one!
You don't need expensive gear.....just the time and the will.
Have a look at Joe Cornish's "May Beck" as an example of what I mean...
Hi there Anna, what a lovely series of images........the effect on the water is really sets those images off, but it also helps that where ever that place is looks like a Paradise anyways
Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Good Job
I agree, lots of time and will is necessary for such photosessions. They are just what they are, photosessions, and that's you just can't bring along a non-photographer friend as they will only get bored. So you need to get out there, take your time and experiment! This photo outing took me several hours, but it was worth it - actually, I did the same thing a day later and shot another brook for hours!
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SmugMug Support Hero Manager
My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
I agree about the sweet light. However, it can pose a problem with uneven lighting. Most of my photos taken in the woods came out best taken on cloudy, overcast days. I have tried sunny late afternoons too, but it takes a lot of care to avoid areas of the photo from being burnt out.
I had a look at the link you provided - a very good example of sweet light indeed!
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My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
And yes, most parts of Slovenia look like a paradise. You should come and see for yourself!
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My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
SmugMug Support Hero Manager
My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
I figured they would be when I clicked to see your post
Smug Galleries - Other Images
SmugMug Support Hero Manager
My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
Exceedingly. Nice work.
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I hear ya above mixed lighting causing problems. But on the other hand some early morning/late afternoon sweet light would add a golden glow
I don't understand why you can't use an ND with your camera? I understand that it probably doesn't have threads, but couldn't you manually hold a resin filter, like a Cokin ND, in front of the lens?
With how well these came out, I guess it's a moot point....
but they made me give it back.