Mini Challenge #125 "Road" Trip

Half the fun of going places is getting there! This challenge will celebrate the Road Trip... key word being "Road". Post your best Road Trip pics making sure that your photo incorporates the road in some way.
Challenge will run from July 28th to 9:00pm PST August 11th
Post your favorites up to 3 shots.
Rules for Challenge are here
Here are a couple of my favorite pictures... taken from the actual road through my windshield!!
~ Lisa
On the road again

I want to go to Harmony!!!
Challenge will run from July 28th to 9:00pm PST August 11th
Post your favorites up to 3 shots.
Rules for Challenge are here
Here are a couple of my favorite pictures... taken from the actual road through my windshield!!
~ Lisa
On the road again

I want to go to Harmony!!!

Pho-tog-ra-pher (n) 1. One who practices photography 2. one obsessed with capturing life with their camera. 3. One who eats, sleeps and breathes photographs. 4. One who sees the world in 4x6.
2 Seward Hwy...
3The Road to Denali...
2. Zzyzk
3. Tehachapi
1. Acadia
2. Acadia #2
3. Acadia #3
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East Bound and Down!
Light is everything in life and photography.
1. Haleakala
2. Sequoia
3. Will Rogers
2. "Road to Altar Rock"
3. "Bridgette at Millie's Bridge"
2. Back from Waimea Canyon
3. A Road in Kauai
2. Vineyard Travels
A Road Through Yellowstone
A Road Through The Palouse
Rutted Road
For Tourists
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
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Greg, this is incredible. Any chance you'd share your workflow on this one?
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Thanks Dave.
This is shot at 14mm focal length. And it is a 5-shot Photomatix HDR composition. Without looking, its a pretty small aperture, maybe f16-18. Somewhere in there.
Ok, thanks. I think you're pretty good at using Photomatix ! I've just started working with it and am going to work on my HDR skills. Hope I can put some together soon. Also hope you won't mind if I ask some questions over the next couple of weeks? I'm hoping to get some good material to work with over my vacation to Yosemite and San Francisco.
Thanks again for the info.
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Absolutely. Take your tripod. Set up the camera to auto bracket 3-5-7 shots. Shoot in RAW. That way, as you get better in Photomatix, you can always go back to your originals and rework them!
Very jealous of your upcoming trip!
#2 - Old Farm Lane
The Real View:
and not for consideration for the contest, but this is what pops to mind when I think of trips:
All Packed:
A farm road in rural Nebraska, July 2011
Maggie's Diner
Spanish Girl
2. Daley Ranch
3. Copenhagen, 1981
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
Is that the Road Kings?
BONUS points if you spot all the people in the shot.
SIDE NOTE: I am now officially in love with Lightroom. This was one of the "reject" photos because the exposure was way off. (The cloud caused problems and I wasn't in manual mode.) The jpg from the camera is awful and can't be edited to be acceptable. This raw file... well take a look yourself: (Darn... now I have to re-edit all the things I uploaded to Smugmug... only use RAW converted to JPG by Lightroom during the publish.)
1. Denali National Park (shortly after the ash clouds spewed by Mount Redoubt) - 2009
2. On the Way to Milford Sound in New Zealand's Fiordland National Park - 2011
3. Stuck in the Mud (in Kenya on a back road to visit the Masaii) - 2009
This last photo was snapped with a P & S camera when we were all asked to get out and walk while they tried to extricate the van. Wish I had some Masai youth in the background with their livestock but we passed them earlier and later on the road. Really.
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Yeah, I wished I had taken some shots with the 7D but at least I have something to convey this "road less traveled"....
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