Ever Try A Facebook Ad?

I was curious if anyone has tried a facebook ad in an attempt to drive sittings and what the results were.
Questions I would have are:
How much did you spend?
How many sittings did you get?
Which demographics did you target?
Anything else that might help with the decision to give it a try.
Questions I would have are:
How much did you spend?
How many sittings did you get?
Which demographics did you target?
Anything else that might help with the decision to give it a try.
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
I have one consistently running, about 200this month clicks at .25. One booking for 250.oo shoot, one request for booking for wedding but I was not available.
Start low, then if you get no traffic then bump it up 10 cents...
It's hit or miss but I know get fans from it, and potentials
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Mark + Lindsay Facebook
I love animoto
Don't forget that you're using someone else's idea, someone else's servers, and someone else's employees so that you can have a place to "converse with friends." If you choose to punish the companies who advertise on services you use, and thus punish the service company itself, you pretty much ruin any chance at survival or innovation in the future. Just my pennies as well.
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
I think FB is a fad, and I believe it will die. I realize it can be useful, but seriously... you can't go anywhere in public these days without people staring down at a cell phone. Oh well. Just my pennies
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
MD Website
MD Store Site
Mark + Lindsay Facebook
I love animoto
Although I love Google+, I think that a lot of people who have signed up for Facebook aren't tech savvy. They aren't going to move over to something else unless they have too. I think FB will be relevant for quite awhile and probably will become better with the competition from Google. It will be interesting to see how it goes.
Have you ever read a Facebook add. I never look at them.
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
MD Website
MD Store Site
Mark + Lindsay Facebook
I love animoto