Walk in the park

NyarthlopicNyarthlopic Registered Users Posts: 274 Major grins
edited July 30, 2011 in Holy Macro
Not sure if this really qualifies as Macro. If not, please let me know where I should put the shots.

And please, C&C me!

My wife and I went to a not-so-scenic park near our home. I had my EF-S 60mm Macro along and decided that if the whole park wasn't worth shooting, maybe some small parts of it would be.

#1. This little weed was about ankle high. I wanted to crop it in closer, but didn't like the composition of the overall shot when I did.

#2. Right by the road near the park.

#3. There was a bush type thing near the run down (but not in a rustic, nice way) Gazebo. I like the way this one turned out...


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