Pros need help!!!

This is going to be a little lengthy so bear with me! This is my situation. I have been in to photography for 7 years now and I do fine art - landscape type photography. For about the past year or so have had several people ask about buying some of my prints. I want to set up a shopping cart on SmugMug and would like to eventually have a little fine art store online with a cart on my blog. I am not looking to make much money out of the deal as I know the market is pretty saturated and I am not as good as a ton of others out there. At the most I would just like to provide people who express interest to be able to buy. I know to get my images registered through the copyright office and am working on that. I am also told I need a business license, do I? If so how do I do it? I have read all the SmugMug Pro information and it all just seems so overwhelming! Also, it seems more geared to those who have a big photography business or for those who have it as a career. This is just a small side thing for me that I want to do just for the enjoyment of it. Is there anyone who can give me advice on the subject or guidance. I really need it! Feeling very intimidated and frustrated right now!:dunno
No fuss, no muss. SM handles all sales for you on your behalf and sends you a check for your profits. easeypeasy!!!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Don't be's easy and the Smug Pro account is just what you want!
Listen..............I procrastinated for way too long. I have jumped out of
perfectly good aircraft in the dark of night, slept in snow and swamps, been thrown of boats (yes at night) while small craft warnings were in place.
Yet I trembled at the thought of trying to put together a Website! The people at SmugMug had secret names for me. Others turned away when i approached. :cry
The tech heroes were patient and kind, and yes there were some trying times but they got me through it.
Don't follow my path.......don't delay, do it now!
I expect your check to be in the mail Monday morning.
As for business licenses, I don't have one and I don't make much money off my site. But I, too, would like to hear what some have to say on this
All you need to send in are thumbnails, very low res. You can register a huge number of images for $30.00
If your images are not registered at the copyright office you severely limit the damages that can be claimed and awarded.
There is no excuse for not copyrighting your images. It is dirt cheap, super easy, and relatively quick since they put in online.
We copyright everything every 90 days.
Copyright Office
A SmugMug pro account would definitely give you an advantage as far as a web presence and selling go. If you want, there are companies like Fast Lane Media that do customization of your site to give it that professional look and feel too.
Good luck!
Sam you did realize her name is CLICKIN girl, right??
Cluckin is what chickens do right? Besides she she said she was a chicken?
Your photos are copyrighted as soon as you press the shutter button on your camera,if you plan on using watermarks you might want to consider having it copyrighted.
One of the big things you might want to consider is doing a dba (doing business as) which in some states is as simple as running a classified advert. Then you can have "Clickin Girl Photography" bank accounts etc.
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here is a great copyright and watermarking blog....from Scott Kelby's blog.......
In actuality it does.....see the blog above........just a thought don't copyright your pix, along comes Tomas Zdeneki and he swipes your images...then he copyrights your images and you see your images in a magazine.......with his by line..........How will you get an attorney to take the case....copyright registration is his proof...............
I think it would still be fraud and theft, if Thomas could not produce an original regardless of how many copyrights he has paid for. Thomas and his Lawyer could get buried in so much paper work they would go blind looking at it.
Smugmug Pro : Check
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I love animoto
Yes you can register how ever many you can get on a disk (cd / dvd ) at one time online for approx $35......this is how it was explained to me on the phone with the copyright office is a waste of time / money to do individual registration.........
You are in the same boat I have been for the last year.
In Texas you need the following at a minimum:
1. Sales Tax ID - and file your tax report quarterly. You can collect sales tax though smugmug. Penalties are stiff in Texas.
2. Business insurance for gear and liability - Once you collect a dime on your photography, you are a business, and your home owners policy probably will not cover your gear or personal liability. Mine cost ~ $600/year versus homeowners rider for gear coverage $80/yr.
3. Separate bank account for business: If you want to take any write downs in expenses, you need to keep your expenses separate from your personal stuff. There are free checking accounts out there.
4. dba: This is a "doing business as". I have a sole proprietorship, and will file with my personal income tax. If you want to open a business account, they will request a dba. You can get this at the county clerk's office. In Houston, it was $15.
5. Employer Tax ID: This is like a social security number for your business. It allows you to use it instead of your personal SS#, and potentially will reduce the chances for identity theft, and helps to keep things separate.
6. Accountant: I did not plan on getting an accountant this year, as I have kept books for our family owned business before. But I heard there were additional write downs this year for gear, and I need to check into it more. I am also looking to do some charity work (donate a % of profits) and I want to make sure I do it correctly to get the best tax treatment.
Property Tax Rendition: There will be a property tax rendition due at the end of year for the book value of your gear that you use for your business as of January 1. This is pretty simple to do and runs around 2% of the book value of your gear.
This list may seem overwhelming, but do not let it scare you. You can set the ID's up online, then followup with the dba, bank account, and insurance. I set everything up the first week of January.
One other gotcha: Do not use a business debit card. Businesses do not have the same protections under law that a consumer does. The on-line info for the visa and MC debit cards are confusing, and suggest you have protection. The protection is up to the individual bank, not visa or mc, and most banks do not offer this for businesses since it is not required by regulation. Only get a business credit card unless you can verify otherwise.
I hope this helps.
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