What's up with the back button?

I just realized that when you view a photo in the lightbox and then close it to get back to the gallery, if you then click the back button you're not taken back to the original category but instead it opens up the lightbox again and displays the same photo. Is there any way to change this? It's really annoying and I want to take the breadcrumb off of my portfolio galleries, but this is making that impractical. Plus it's just plain confusing for people who are used to normal lightboxes on other sites that just open and close and don't affect your back button navigation.
I've noticed that after clicking on an image in a gallery or opening an image in the lightbox, if you click the back button on the browser you just end up cycling back through everything you just viewed. I'm pretty sure that in the past hitting the back button would take you back out of the gallery to the category page, or back to a previous gallery page if there were more than one.
Was this change intentional? It severely hampers site navigation and causes confusion when using the lightbox. It also forces use of the breadcrumb to keep navigation reasonable. I really hope it's just a bug that can be fixed...
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Andy, it does it in your gallery too. I actually checked it on another person's smugmug site before I posted to make sure. And it does it for me in Firefox and in Chrome, so I don't see how it could be a browser issue.
I think it's always been this way. They're all different URLs so I don't see how the browser could treat it any differently.
OK thanks just wanted to make sure it wasn't something with your special code you've installed.
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I don't think it used to be like this. I also found this post by jfriend where he seems to think it's some part of the new design:
At the end of the "For novice viewers" section:
So is this part of the new design or not?
I'm not quite sure about the lightbox views, but every photo viewed has been part of the back tracing for as long as I can remember.
This seems to have been resolved now. Strange, has been that way forever.
What has been resolved? Nothing has changed for me since I first posted this.
I must have been testing with the new beta gallery style when I saw it corrected, sorry for the confusion.
That's the way it worked for years. Each photo you click in a gallery, is a new link to your browser. It's like browsing any other html page where you have links and can go back to the previous link with the browser's back button.
To my knowledge you cannot rig the browser back button to back out of a gallery that you have been browsing extensively without hitting back as many times as you browsed photos.
If you don't have breadcrumbs, you could only try adding parts of the breadcrumb to allow access to the (sub)category.
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