Cinnabar Caterpillar and 22 Spot Yellow Ladybird (Psyllobora)

IPClarkIPClark Registered Users Posts: 2,355 Major grins
edited August 3, 2011 in Holy Macro
Headed out to get some more Damsels today but it was far too windy. However whilst I was there, I spotted (no pun intended) this ladybird. Must admit I've not seen such a vibrant yellow one before.

Anyway, it was intent on moving so I missed the focus ever so slightly which I'm a bit gutted about. Still, I managed to get the colours. Also, headed over to the back of Liverpool airport (popular spot to stand as the planes fly about 30ft above your head when coming in to land). This is an area of essentially wasteground that is full of wild grasses and plants. Never been over there before to photograph but it's another place I've found that is loaded with bugs :).

Spotted a plant with about 20 Cinnabar caterpillars on it. Again the wind was blowing a fair bit so getting a decent composition wasn't proving too easy, so a couple of record shots for you :)





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