All work and no play.....

Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
edited October 24, 2005 in Wildlife
makes me even more boring than I actualy

Been busy busy working and haven't been able to leave many comments :cry What's worse is I haven't even had time to shoot. By the time I get home, it's almost dark and I'm not big on night shots :dunno

Anyhow, while out partaking of my feeelthy ciggie habit :rofl I noticed that our hummingbird feeder attracted more birds at dusk than during any other point in the day :scratch Ahhhhhhhhha, something I will probably screw up but it's shooting and it'll probably be fun :D So for the last 2 nights I've been trying to capture small fast subjects in low light :uhoh

I figured I really make it challenging and so I attached my 1.4X TC to my 70-200 F2.8. It sure made getting a focus lock tougher and I'm not so sure I like the looks of them, but I figured I'd share 'em with my friends here :D They are just about 100% crops. I'll have to try and get closer tonight w/o the TC attached. Good luck....LOL

ISO800, 70-200mm F2.8 with a Tamron 1.4X TC, EX-580 with diffuser pulled down.

F5.6 1/320

F5.6 1/200

F5.6 1/200

I guess the light caught the ruby throated at the wrong angle :dunno No ruby

Please let me know what you think. I won't be able to do a re-shoot tonight, but I plan on doing one tomorrow night :D

Thanks for looking,
SmugMug Support Hero


  • ThusieThusie Registered Users Posts: 1,818 Major grins
    edited October 12, 2005
    GREAT shots! Thanks so much for also including what you did to get the shots.thumb.gif
  • bfjrbfjr Registered Users Posts: 10,980 Major grins
    edited October 12, 2005
    Been wondering about you Buddy ne_nau.gif
    Glad to see your post, very glad :D

    Well I was just reading another post started by Khaos, so now I'm afraid to critique, being that I'm not qualified umph.gifmwink.gif cause I don't know Jack lol3.gif

    But I like your work always have and with these I like them all but especially like the action of the wings rather then the stayed pose look.

    However on a personal note I never have cared for the look of them darn hummy feeders ne_nau.gif. I mean why do they have to be "RED" :lol4 ??

    Please be aware if you quote above I will deny I ever said that. this reply will self destruct in 60 seconds blbl.gifrolleyes1.gif:D
  • SeamusSeamus Registered Users Posts: 1,573 Major grins
    edited October 12, 2005
    They are excellent Steve, thumb.gif , the first one especially. It is razor sharp.
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited October 12, 2005
    Hey Steve,

    Great seeing your stuff. I've been missing you lately. Those are excellent shots. Don't listen to Ben about the feeder, he's just jealous because he doesn't have one. :lol

    Sorry about this

    WORK :yikes :puke

    thing. In case you're intersted I'm working on a 10-step program to help those inflicted to break the habit.
    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2005
    Steve nice to see you back -even in daylight some shots do not show the color headscratch.gifne_nau.gifheadscratch.gif rub some of that red off of the feeder rolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gif I am not sure if it is angle or they display the color -will wait to see what you get
    Jeff W

  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,315 moderator
    edited October 13, 2005
    Those are very sharp, Steve. I like how the low sun angle makes the yellow spots glow like shining gold. Glad you got some frames in with those working hours. You made them count.
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • RohirrimRohirrim Registered Users Posts: 1,889 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2005
    Nice shots Steve, very sharp!
  • ehughesehughes Registered Users Posts: 1,675 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2005
    Very cool Steve, I never seem to be able to catch those little speed demons on our feeder, our must come at midnight or something...
  • Ric GrupeRic Grupe Registered Users Posts: 9,522 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2005
    Perfect! iloveyou.gif

    WOW! :wow

    Adjectives and emoticons are inadequate, Steve. thumb.gif
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited October 13, 2005
    Thusie wrote:
    GREAT shots! Thanks so much for also including what you did to get the shots.thumb.gif
    Thanks Thusie :D

    I've learned sooooooo much over the past 3 years from photo forums, all I want to do is be able to give a little back. If my information makes it easier for the next person to shoot hummers, I'll be satisfied thumb.gif

    Thanks for looking,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited October 13, 2005
    bfjr wrote:
    Been wondering about you Buddy ne_nau.gif
    Glad to see your post, very glad :D

    Well I was just reading another post started by Khaos, so now I'm afraid to critique, being that I'm not qualified umph.gifmwink.gif cause I don't know Jack lol3.gif

    But I like your work always have and with these I like them all but especially like the action of the wings rather then the stayed pose look.

    However on a personal note I never have cared for the look of them darn hummy feeders ne_nau.gif. I mean why do they have to be "RED" :lol4 ??

    Please be aware if you quote above I will deny I ever said that. this reply will self destruct in 60 seconds blbl.gifrolleyes1.gif:D
    I been missing you guys. This forum has some real characters and although I haven't been posting much, I still get a kick out of reading those posts where you and Jeff trade good natured barbs (like the one where you are dressed up as a GBH :lol ) Hopefully, I'll have more time to participate in the next few months.

    I like the "frozen" wing look too. I shot these in M mode so that I could get the flashes full effect. I notice when I use a fill flash it doesn't do much for freezing the wing action, no matter what shutter speed I use ne_nau.gif

    Funny you mention red feeders. Where we have ours sometimes the hummers are frontlit through the glass giving them a very red tint. Kind of kewl, but sort of spooky too...Laughing.gif

    I saw Khaos' post. Geeze, if we are going to limit critiquing to people that know Jack, there won't be many comments in those And did Shay change his name to Jack? rolleyes1.gif

    Thanks, as always, for the humorous comments buddy thumb.gif As I wrote above, I Ben missin

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited October 13, 2005
    Seamus wrote:
    They are excellent Steve, thumb.gif , the first one especially. It is razor sharp.
    Thanks Shay :D

    I have to give credit where credit is due. This one was really sharp right out of the camera, but I sharpened him a little more using Rut's Lab sharpening technique found here.

    Thanks again,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited October 13, 2005
    Harryb wrote:
    Hey Steve,

    Great seeing your stuff. I've been missing you lately. Those are excellent shots. Don't listen to Ben about the feeder, he's just jealous because he doesn't have one. :lol

    Sorry about this

    WORK :yikes :puke

    thing. In case you're intersted I'm working on a 10-step program to help those inflicted to break the habit.
    Thanks Harry :D

    Yeah, I'd appreciate anything you can do about this really nasty habit (the W As long as I can keep my wife and my daughter living in the Ivana Trump style they are accustomed to I'm all for it thumb.gif

    As I wrote in my reply to Ben, I been missing you guys too. The humor, the tips, the commradarie, and the excellent pics clap.gif See the havoc that work can bring to your life?

    Ben IS jealous. He's probably going to try getting Jeff to dress up as a large (really large) hummingbird so he can save a few $ on a feeder and colored sugar water :lol :lol

    Thanks for taking time to comment,

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2005
    Well, Steve, now that I have totally ignored you, and you and everyone else have exchanged hugs and all, well, I want to tell you that

    several hours ago, when I first saw your shots, I loved them. I planned to get back to them, and I AM HERE!

    Nice, hummer shots! Not a bad way to relax in the evening and have one of those "outdoor" moments.

    I love the little feet on those things, the birds. And you got them good.

    I also love the colors, you got them, too.

    Sorry, I don't even have to look back to know I didn't post immediately, I have been busy responding to K et al. smile, really, got sucked in! Then I had to say something nice to a newcomer being slammed royally, see landscapes. A busy day here in the briar patch.

    Steve, it is great to see your face! And if you can keep your family in the style of the Trumps, well...................get to work, man, get to work.....

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • SeamusSeamus Registered Users Posts: 1,573 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2005
    Thanks Shay :D

    I have to give credit where credit is due. This one was really sharp right out of the camera, but I sharpened him a little more using Rut's Lab sharpening technique found here.

    Thanks again,

    The original has to be good before the sharpening can work Steve, take a bow clap.gif
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2005
    Harryb wrote:
    Hey Steve,

    Great seeing your stuff. I've been missing you lately. Those are excellent shots. Don't listen to Ben about the feeder, he's just jealous because he doesn't have one. :lol

    Sorry about this

    WORK :yikes :puke

    thing. In case you're intersted I'm working on a 10-step program to help those inflicted to break the habit.

    Harry, I wish someone would start a support group for the wives. Bill works without a weekend this week, for very little money.

    Better than no job, but ..................

    heck I don't know what is going on, can't blame bill, but I do. The darn company didn't go digital, now they can't compete.

    Sorry for the thread hi jack, Steve. If you are gonna work, I think keeping your wife in Trump style is commendable.

    And you take time out to enjoy the

    Looked again, I love them really excellent work.

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited October 13, 2005
    ginger_55 wrote:
    Well, Steve, now that I have totally ignored you, and you and everyone else have exchanged hugs and all, well, I want to tell you that

    several hours ago, when I first saw your shots, I loved them. I planned to get back to them, and I AM HERE!

    Nice, hummer shots! Not a bad way to relax in the evening and have one of those "outdoor" moments.

    I love the little feet on those things, the birds. And you got them good.

    I also love the colors, you got them, too.

    Sorry, I don't even have to look back to know I didn't post immediately, I have been busy responding to K et al. smile, really, got sucked in! Then I had to say something nice to a newcomer being slammed royally, see landscapes. A busy day here in the briar patch.

    Steve, it is great to see your face! And if you can keep your family in the style of the Trumps, well...................get to work, man, get to work.....

    Thanks Ginger :D

    Hey, I haven't used up all my hugs. I knew you'd stop by eventually and I saved one for you mwink.gif

    I'm not sure about relaxing. I get pretty excited when I shoot (and it shows in my pics :uhoh ). Since I have bad eyesight up close I must have looked pretty funny with a ciggie dangling from my lips, trying to be "Jack Buck Bring em Back Alive" silent and trying to put on my reading glasses betwwen shots to chimp the LCD. Glad I was in the privacy of my own backyard....Laughing.gif

    As far as the colors, the golds came out well, but the greens and reds not so well ne_nau.gif As Jeff mentions, I think you have to catch them at the right angle. I got a few front on and clipped the red neck area headscratch.gif I'll just keep plugging away I guess.

    No apologies necessary Ginger. I too get caught up in the "I'll get back to that one later" routine. You respond to lots of posts and your input is always welcome. If you miss a few posts, every now and again, we won't dock your paycheck lol3.gif

    I'll have to go check out your "brair patch" Please don't take negative repsonses to heart. It is sooo difficult to communicate in this format misunderstandings are inevitable.

    Work, work, work eek7.gif If only I could support the family the way they need to be I've had to find a new occupation (mortgage broker) and have been trying to build my business up to the level where I can take some shooting time off :D

    As always Ginger, I appreciate you taking the time to comment thumb.gif

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited October 14, 2005
    David_S85 wrote:
    Those are very sharp, Steve. I like how the low sun angle makes the yellow spots glow like shining gold. Glad you got some frames in with those working hours. You made them count.
    Thanks David :D

    I do like some of the color, but when these lil guys are at the right angle to the light they have dazzling colors. I'm still trying to capture those colors rolleyes1.gif And yes it was nice to get back to shooting again. As they say, even the worst day of shooting is better than

    Thanks for your comments,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited October 14, 2005
    Rohirrim wrote:
    Nice shots Steve, very sharp!
    Thanks Steve :D

    Being almost full crops, there's no a lot of megapixels to work with. I was pretty happy with the sharpness and detail also :):

    Thanks for taking the time to look,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited October 14, 2005
    ehughes wrote:
    Very cool Steve, I never seem to be able to catch those little speed demons on our feeder, our must come at midnight or something...
    Thanks Ed :D

    Maybe they have a Board of Directors meeting in the early evening like mine do. I can sit out there in daylight and see maybe one every 15 minutes or so. At dusk they are lined up at the feeder. Sometimes 5 or 6 deep :uhoh Give it a shot and see if those Central Valley hummers behave like

    Thanks for your comments,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2005
    Rreally great, especially the first one. I never get such good results with my 70-200 and TC. I love the gold color, it really jumps out. Seems like the flash really worked in this case. Didn't scare the bird?
    If not now, when?
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