PM's to Andy Refused?

I am getting refusals sending PM's to Andy. (Although I can understand being banned!)

It is the purpose of life that each of us strives to become actually what he is potentially. We should be obsessed with stretching towards that goal through the world we inhabit.
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Ahh, SM goes corporate where we cant talk to the leaders - end of an era!
I know you're joking, but I do want to throw in: 1) I can't even imagine the number of messages Andy gets on a daily basis and 2) the PM system in vBulletin is kinda sucky.
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I see we both joined May of 2004. In the early days here (and before on ADVRider) we all knew each other pretty well, and the discussion was between friends. As both sites became (appropriately) successful, we have lost that.
Andy and I have had our differances, but have mostly worked them out due to mutual respect.
Now that its all - PM Corporate for your answer - we have lost something.
I, of course, understand - but miss the small town feel.
At the end of the day, it will kill SmugMug for me. I can barely keep up with all the custom configurations, but still keep and pay for two accounts. Someday, something will come along and replace this and I am gone. Maybe its the internet (MYspace- Facebook - Google+) but I miss when we were all friends.
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I answer 100s of emails a day. Zanotti, just email me
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