Beware the latest Craigslist scam!

Recently I was checking the Washington DC craigslist for deals, and I saw a T3i for under $500. I contacted the seller. After no reply for a few days, I finally received an email that said something like "Sorry for taking so long to reply, I met someone and sold it. If you're looking for a good deal, I got mine at this site. They still have their latest promotion going on, you can get some free bids. I've found the secret to winning, you have to bid when the counter gets to 4 seconds left."
Well, well. I go to the site, and I see that it's a penny auctions site. So I stay away. A few days ago, I was reading this thread on the CanonRumors forum:,1352.0.html
Someone in Arizona got the same thing, and so did someone in Detroit! (Read the thread after the link). Says a lot about their penny auctions site, huh?
If you want to know the site, I'll PM you if you're an established member... but I see no need to, since all penny auctions are for rich people who need to throw away money....
Arizona, Detroit, DC... these guys get around.
If you haven't clicked through the link above yet, I suggest you do, as there's some extra info in that thread.
Well, well. I go to the site, and I see that it's a penny auctions site. So I stay away. A few days ago, I was reading this thread on the CanonRumors forum:,1352.0.html
Someone in Arizona got the same thing, and so did someone in Detroit! (Read the thread after the link). Says a lot about their penny auctions site, huh?
If you want to know the site, I'll PM you if you're an established member... but I see no need to, since all penny auctions are for rich people who need to throw away money....
Arizona, Detroit, DC... these guys get around.
If you haven't clicked through the link above yet, I suggest you do, as there's some extra info in that thread.