Not my usual Venue
Had to do some stuff near the L. A. Zoo so I figured I'd stop by and see what me and the Machine Gun could do. Well 1st off the whole place is under Construction, so most of the good animals are somewhere else The lighting is contrasting to say the least. Well instead of words this is how the place made me feel :rolleyes :uhoh

I really should have used my flash on some of these, but hind sight is 20/20
Also please forgive no ID, most of the plaques were missing and those that were, well I'm not good at taking notes :dunno

Hate the light but love the interaction

Mr. Tiger to you

I really should have used my flash on some of these, but hind sight is 20/20

Also please forgive no ID, most of the plaques were missing and those that were, well I'm not good at taking notes :dunno

Hate the light but love the interaction

Mr. Tiger to you

but they made me give it back.
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Morning Ice
Many thanks for your comment/s
the chimps were in an open kinda pit thingy and this boy was sitting hi up to the side facing the sun so yes I moved to his right and hoped I could get some light on his eyes. I took several shots of him and this one seem to bring the feeling home I was looking for.
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(still wondering what goes through Ben's mind..regarding the Dgrin photo association. )
Cold drink/frosty/frozen singer.
"Osprey Whisperer"
Still have some of those dry cookies for ya
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Really wasn't that happy with em at 1st, but with comments like these their growing on me :lol
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ginger (funny how you can start to like something after awhile, isn't it. And funny what we in the masses like, smile.)
My fav is the bird with the kewl "do" I like the first one too, but he suffers from "ear shadow". I have the same problem when shooting my brother with back/side lighting
Congrats on making it to the zoo. I've been meaning to get to ours and after one year with the camera, I am still meaning to....
Excellent series of shots. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Thanks, for not leaving me being the only one who can be made feel this way by the zoo environment. You have caught the sadness and boredom/anguish and mental damage so well here. The misery of caged confinement comes right across. Aside from that angle though - some lovely shots!
your wrong that 1st one is not Harry !!! :hide :lol4
coffee to coffee that's my story and I'm stinkin to it
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thank you Steve
very glad you like
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Hi Ginger
Oh I never try to figure out the masses, heck I'm not always sure what I like
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Hey Steve so glad to see a comment here by you !!
appreciate your time (and it does take time)
Well I guess somebody got to WORK :lol
If you think the ear shadow was bad you should of seen the ear wax !!!
Zoos are really not my cup of tea, but they are a challenge and any chance to use my gear is a good idea to me
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You ain't just a whistling Dixie (where is that guy ?) there, Boss
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Yes it's sometimes sad, but on the other hand the animals I saw look rather old and some were injured and if not for the Zoo they would surely be dead.
However I could not resist that shot it truly was how I felt about the place and I could not but think so the Chimp felt as well :cry
thanks you so much for your comment and your insight on my shot
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