LastUpdated Filter Enhancement
I would like to make the following request regarding the LastUpdated filter parameter in smugmug.images.get, smugmug.usertree.get, and smugmug.albums.get to enhance caching capabilities of software applications:
Currently, the LastUpdated parameter seems to query only based on the last date a new item (album, image, etc) was added/removed. However, changes to the attributes of the items (e.g., if a user changes the settings/attributes of an album/image) do not seem to trigger a change in the LastUpdated date.
I am trying to build a local cache mechanism for both album and image settings. To give an idea, one aspect is that my application will allow a user to view all of their album settings in a spreadsheet format, and allow them to modify those settings. To be able to effectively cache the albums/images for this application, it would be very helpful if the LastUpdated parameter would return all albums/images that have been changed in any way, including changes to album/image attributes/settings. As it is now, if a user were to change an album's settings directly on the smugmug site, using the LastUpdated api parameter will not return that album since it doesn't see it as a change. Thanks for considering this.
Currently, the LastUpdated parameter seems to query only based on the last date a new item (album, image, etc) was added/removed. However, changes to the attributes of the items (e.g., if a user changes the settings/attributes of an album/image) do not seem to trigger a change in the LastUpdated date.
I am trying to build a local cache mechanism for both album and image settings. To give an idea, one aspect is that my application will allow a user to view all of their album settings in a spreadsheet format, and allow them to modify those settings. To be able to effectively cache the albums/images for this application, it would be very helpful if the LastUpdated parameter would return all albums/images that have been changed in any way, including changes to album/image attributes/settings. As it is now, if a user were to change an album's settings directly on the smugmug site, using the LastUpdated api parameter will not return that album since it doesn't see it as a change. Thanks for considering this.