
Smugmug help pages

drodedrode Registered Users Posts: 99 Big grins
edited August 9, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
I want to provide my customers with a set of help pages. Some of the content will be unique to my site. For example, How to prepare for a photo shoot. But a good portion of the info is already covered in SmugMugs help pages. I don't want to flood my customers with all of the info at help.smugmug.com but I would like to use a potion of the content.

In a perfect world, I'd somehow like to specific help questions and wrap them in my own style. i suspect instead, I'll need to essentially copy the content into now pages of my own.

I don't want to just steal SmugMug's help pages. What is the policy (as a Smugmug Pro) for using this content by reformatting it for my customers? Can I get permission to use the content?

Thanks in advance.
- Dan Rode


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