I've been experimenting with different low cost forms of advertising in my area, as I'm focusing more and more on getting my name out to the public. I have a Facebook page, website and blog that I update regularly. But I was curious on what some of you are doing for advertising? Especially when you first started getting serious about promoting your photography skills as a business. What has been successful and what hasn't?
I know that word of mouth seems to be the best way, but how does one best promote in certain areas such as Senior Portraits and Weddings?
Looking forward to some good advice!
I know that word of mouth seems to be the best way, but how does one best promote in certain areas such as Senior Portraits and Weddings?
Looking forward to some good advice!
Sean Ealy Photography
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Mark + Lindsay Facebook
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Where most photographers (especially new ones) go wrong is trying to build a new client list on their own. It really is a backwards approach.
You mention weddings and senior portraits. Think about what other companies are already working with these potential clients.
For weddings, think florists, limousine services, chapels, bridal dress shops, tuxedo rentals, travel agents, that sort of thing. Find ways to work with these people and you get your business in with their existing clients.
For teenagers, same thing. Find local businesses that are already dealing with them.
As an example, we work with dozens of hair salons in our area. We shoot all of their portraits for their business cards for free. We even buy their business cards for them. On the back of these cards, we have our contact info and a discount of 20% for anyone bringing that card to us.
This costs us $8.33 for 500 business cards and about 2 minutes for the portrait (don't cheap out on business cards).
Got print
The result is dozens of people now advertising for us for less than $10 each.
We do this same thing for other businesses who are dealing with the same client base that we do.
You will be absolutely amazed at how many calls you will get out of 500 cards. Then multiply that number by the number of people passing them out and it isn't hard to get calls every single day of the week.
One caveat:
Be sure to deal with businesses who are dealing on the same level that you wish to be on. If you are using a business that deals with bargain shoppers, you get bargain shoppers. If you deal with higher end businesses, you get higher end shoppers.
This approach works in every field, it is simply a matter of doing the legwork.
Steve I enjoy reading your posts. It's like free business classes. Thanks again.
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
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I am here:,-78.939876
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Here's a couple things that I've done to help share. I've started (with engagements) having the couples tell stories about themselves and how they met so that I can write a blog like this one on my site....
This post is 1 day old. And just before I wrote this I was working on the FACEBOOK SHARE and GOOGLE PLUS share. On facebook, this has been shared 16 times and 1 by me verifiying the share worked. This is a very unique tactic I think because it self promotes them... and for their family and friends to come see it. This couple is from indiana, and my wife and I are doign their wedding. They had a family shoot here with us and Hayley told her mom she fell in love with my personality and the fun we had on the shoot so she had to have me do the wedding. I think this is an excellent way to market. Tell stories about things that you've done. may be tedious but it will get crawled by google.
Thats one way I really enjoy it. My stats on smugmug are hopefully not off but I have something crazy for stats... let me get it.
BTW I became a fan on facebook!:)
Photo views > This month: 117932 statistics <-- The way I keep people interested there is that I always keep updating the gallery so they will come back and view while we are uploading their proofs. This keeps my traffic flow great on the web and I have almost every gallery locked down with a password so I hope its pretty unique and or repetitive visits and accurate. You can advertise yourself on facebook this way by uploading some creative photos or landscapes and having facebook friends check them out on your smugmug. This will get traffic flowing so the web will love you and put you up in rankings if you have other SEO on your site correct.
Unpaid profit to date (est.): $775.08 USD<-- this month has been decent, we took it off because its too hot here. The way I keep this fresh and flowing is higher prices then discounts on prints..... 50% off, 75% off and limit it for a few days so we can get a little profit on a lot of sales.
Set up a google maps link, yahoo link and here check out where I have backlinks:
go to :
Enter in:
You will see 506 links. maybe more. but I advertise my self everywhere for free.
facebook is a good way to spread. I dont suggest paying for an add, but I have got two gigs off of about 200.00 in advertising on there...
Blog for sure. BLOG BLOG BLOG but make it relevant
Facebook contests, give a way a shoot and hope for 2 bookings on it. Suggest that your current fans win a shoot by referring the most friends, and when I get to number xxxx we'll anounce the winner. Then offer fb only sales
I have just ordered 10,000 business cards that say download your FREE image at I wanted to do some city functions where we take pics. my first event had 200 visits the first day with 2400 photos viewed. Thats an option too. NO sales tho, but they have the name in the head.
MD Website
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Mark + Lindsay Facebook
I love animoto