To Save or Not to Save....
I am mainly a photographer, and choosing a system to handle thousands of images a month was a process that evolved over years. I hope to avoid that with this question and get some feedback on what others are doing with video.
Currently, I have only used iMovie for my limited video excursions. After I shoot the video, I import it into iMovie which changes the file (MP4) into a .MOV. Should I be saving the original MP4 file for anything or is the converted .MOV file as good, the same, better. I really don't want to keep even MORE hard drives than I already do, but I don't want to throw away files I might need later on for something I am as of yet unaware of. Advice???
I have purchased FinalCutX, but have not gone in too deep yet.
Currently, I have only used iMovie for my limited video excursions. After I shoot the video, I import it into iMovie which changes the file (MP4) into a .MOV. Should I be saving the original MP4 file for anything or is the converted .MOV file as good, the same, better. I really don't want to keep even MORE hard drives than I already do, but I don't want to throw away files I might need later on for something I am as of yet unaware of. Advice???
I have purchased FinalCutX, but have not gone in too deep yet.
Barry Nichols
A) would you mind editing your signature to remove the font tags?
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iMovie has a choice, Apple Intermeadiate Codec Linear PCM or h.264 AAC
Would you mind defining "archival".
In the past I have imported everything into iMovie and used it as a browser and editor, similar to Lightroom.
I would really be interested in workflow ideas.
Get a tutorial on FCPX and I think that a lot of your questions will be answered. I haven't been able to use it yet, since all the work I do is still on FCP7 and FCPX is missing features that are required at my work, plus changing the whole company over is something that doesn't happen this quickly. Anyway, I dont' have specific suggestions yet, but you own FCP and should/will be using it instead of iMovie, so get to know it a little first before you ask about workflow, IMO. Ripple Training has a tutorial that's $40 and is pretty good.
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