Pricing photos
Why is it so difficult to set prices on photos? I think that the way a price list should be set, is to have so many displayed per page, in a spreadsheet type style. Have a thumbnail showing the photo, and just enter prices on the ones you want printed at that size or not for that particular photo. I don't see why it is so difficult. I have hundreds of photos on my page, at a range of resolutions because of cropping, and unless they can be printed at every size, i have to set it manually for each photo, in order to keep someone from ordering a print that will only look good at 8x10, at 20x30. Gah!!! So frustrating. Is there any plans on changing the way things are done? It really makes me want to switch to a different service. I did just check out zenfolio, and it isn't any better over there, that I can tell anyway. Please make everyone's life easier. Thanks.
I would like some input on how I set my prices. I charge $150 per hour for wedding service or I sell the whole package for like $1900-$2900 depending on how big the album is. Please check out the prices and let me know what you think. I made them kinda low because clients have already paid up front :-)