Button pricing

I'm taking over a photography gig from another photographer that has used a local shop for fulfillment. A big seller for them was 3" photo buttons, which they sold for $10 for the first one, and $5 each for additional.
Searching around online, I see photo buttons available for around $2. I believe the lab they used charged $1.49.
SmugMug's merchandise price for a 3" button is $4.95!? That's not even in the ballpark! Does anyone know why there's such a disparity? Any sports or team shooters out there use a particular place for buttons?
Searching around online, I see photo buttons available for around $2. I believe the lab they used charged $1.49.
SmugMug's merchandise price for a 3" button is $4.95!? That's not even in the ballpark! Does anyone know why there's such a disparity? Any sports or team shooters out there use a particular place for buttons?